40 eyes don't lie

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yeah, you're beautiful,
don't have to try.
darling, you look divine.
eyes don't lie

eyes don't lie— ISABELA LAROSA

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during winter break, the university's library was an oasis of tranquility. the hushed whispers of students, the occasional rustle of turning pages, and the soft ambient lighting created an atmosphere of calm.

kazuha and (name) sat in a quiet corner, engrossed in their respective books, their fingers lightly tracing lines of text.

the library was far from crowded during this break, with most students away on holiday or spending their time elsewhere.

the pair had found solace in the peaceful surroundings, the perfect place to delve into their favorite books without interruption.

they occasionally glanced up from their reading, exchanging a warm smile or sharing a whispered comment about their books.

as they turned pages, time seemed to slip away. the muffled noises of the world outside the library faded into insignificance, and it was as though they were in their own cocoon of knowledge and imagination.

but this tranquil moment was soon interrupted by the sudden appearance of one of their batchmates, who was also spending the break on campus.

with a wide grin, he approached them, causing kazuha and (name) to look up from their books.

"hey, you two!" their friend exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice.

"there's a christmas party happening tonight at a different venue. it's going to be a blast! you've got to come!"

kazuha and (name) exchanged glances, contemplating this unexpected opportunity for celebration.

they had been so wrapped up in their peaceful library retreat that they hadn't considered socializing beyond their own company.

kazuha finally spoke, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "a christmas party, huh? it does sound tempting."

(name) nodded, her cheeks tinged with a rosy flush from the cold. "and it might be nice to take a break from our books for a while."

their friend, sensing their hesitation, added, "it's going to be great. good food, music, and a festive atmosphere. plus, a chance to catch up with other friends."

kazuha and (name) looked at each other once more, silently reaching a consensus. with shared smiles, they turned to their friend.

"we're in." kazuha answered, and (name) nodded in agreement.

their friend's face lit up, and he quickly shared the details of the party. as they gathered their belongings and left the library, they couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement.

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