A Fox in Wolf Clothing Part 1

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Sophia's POV

It's been a week since the talk at the Falls and it has been a tense week to say the least. The twins have been acting cagey, probably has something to do with Theon because he stopped our training sessions and have been acting the same way. Sarah was upset with Paul and his unwillingness to see pass his hatred for his brother. Then there was the gang. Joshua, Cole, Delphine, Jeff and I have been giving them time to make a decision on what they want to do with the whole Supernatural news.

Now it was Friday, the day we'll put our plan into action. And I was nervous to say the least. We stood ways away from our friends, not wanted to make them feel awkward . To our surprise they walked over to us and I could smell the anxiety on them.

"Hey guys. What's up?" Kairi said nonchalantly. Sometimes I have to wonder if it's her or Kami.

"We've talked about it.....and," Chloe sighed, the others were looking between themselves. "We decided that, we don't care."

"You don't care?" I asked surprisingly.

"Nope we don't," Shayloh answered.

"Joshua and Cole have been werewolves for a while and they didn't change, the same with Sophia." Daniel spoke up.

"Kairi's still Kairi and so are the twins." Travis added.

"Good morning guys." The voice of Jonathan rang through. He was in a black turtle neck in a black cargo pants. He had his signature smirk that grow brighter as he looked at us. Chloe, Travis, Daniel and Shayloh took a step back and looked guarded. "Oh...they know?"

"Yeah. They know," I answered.

"Ho...how can you tell?" Shayloh asked.

"Well. After from your reaction, it's your eyes. Your eyes look like they finally see the world for what it is, a complete mess. I just hope you all thought about it long and hard. This world is not for the weak hearted."

"There you are Jonathan," a melodious yet familiar voice came from a brunette, ember eyed girl in a waist high jeans, floral blouse and matching  floral converse with a designer shades in her hair like Jonathan.

"Everything good on your hand Kira?"

We all looked at her in shock. I knew becoming a Vampire would change her but damn. No points in her face, no dark circles under her eyes. Speaking of eyes, she wasn't wearing glasses anymore. She had this glow about her, it was hard to pinpoint. Think girl next door, cute nerd and a model. She honestly got a better deal. Immortality, perfection, influence, money and the usual vampire perks.

"Looking Kira. How's the transition?" I asked.

"It's been great so far but a bit overwhelming. I mean I'm great full that my Mom is healed and everything but the new house, new car and all of this," she gestured to herself. "It's going to take some getting use to."

"I get it. It took me sometime to adjust after triggering my curse. Unlike Sophia who took to it easily." Josh said smirking at me.

"I only make it look good. The heightened sense of smell still troubles me. Not to mention I still get sore after I turn. But it's not about me, it's about our newest Vamp."

"It's weird hearing you guys talking about this like it's normal," Daniel said with a strange smile on his face.

"It is normal, for us at least. You'll get use to it." Jeff spoke.

"How are you handling the blood cravings? I heard new Vampires struggling with it?" Inquired Delphine looking comfortable in Cole's arms (adorable).

"I'm doing ok. I found out I could manage it better if drink human blood once a month and rest of the time animal blood. It's like treating myself but it reverse. Animal blood is like desert, keeps me going but not satisfied. Human blood is like the main course. Keeps me satisfied but I don't want to be dependent on it. I drink it once a month so my carvings don't get out of control. Animal blood can only do so much, if you're willing to try."

The Bloodline Series: Blessing and Curse (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now