Chapter 46

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I watched her sleeping on the small bed. We had all taken shifts keeping an eye on her during the flight so Sean could get a little rest as well. Every once in a while, she would moan or cry out, then go deathly quiet. I'd even checked to be sure she was breathing a few times.

Brandon stuck his head in the door and motioned. Getting up, I cast a glance back as he whispered, "Axel just messaged. It's over. They're handling loose ends and will be behind us in a few hours. Charlie is meeting us at the airport so we can get Tori settled quickly. Any changes?"

"She's stirred and cried out a bit, but nothing else," I told him. He nodded and quietly closed the door. I sat down next to her again and must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I felt her hand on mine. I opened my eyes to see hers staring at me intently. "Hey, cariño. Can I get you anything?"

"Have you heard from the others? Are they safe?" she asked, fear in her voice.

"I squeezed her hand gently, "They're all safe and a few hours behind us. It's over love. Carlos is dead."

She blinked rapidly, "Really, they're sure."

I nodded, "Really. You're safe, Tori. He can't ever hurt you again." Her shoulders began to shake as she sobbed and I sat on the bed wrapping my arms around her. "Shh, baby, it's gonna be okay now."

She gave an almost hysterical laugh, "I don't know how to feel. I've spent so many years looking over my shoulder or being hurt by him, it's hard to really believe he's gone."

I lifted her chin gently, "We will spend every day for the rest of our lives helping you believe you're free." I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Let us help you, Tori. We want to spend the rest of our lives with you."

"But he...I, we..." she stammered, twisting the hem of her gown.

"You did nothing wrong. He took advantage of you, but none of that matters to us. Nothing will change our love for you."

"He's right, you know, sweetheart," Kota said from the doorway. "You are the bravest and strongest woman I've ever met, Tori. Nothing in this world will make me change my mind. I want a life with you, we all do."

"I...I want that too," she croaked between sobs as he came to the bed and hugged her gently.

"Having a party without us?" Sean asked with a grin, as Luke stood next to him.

"We're just telling, Cariño, how we want to spend the rest of our lives with her and how much we love her," I told him.

"I think that sounds perfect, little bird," Sean said, "and as much as I hate to, I'm going to have to break up this little party to check your incision. Then you need to try getting up and walking around a bit. I know it hurts, but staying still too long will hurt more and delay the healing process."

Kota and I gave her another kiss, and then Luke came forward and kissed her. I love you, my beautiful girl. I'm going to love you forever," he told her.

Her cheeks flushed and she smiled, "I love you too, Kisses." He chuckled at the familiar nickname and kissed her again.


Sean closed the door once they had all left. "Can you lie flat?" I nodded and laid on my back, letting him lift the gown and lower my panties to check the incisions. He gently pressed on my stomach. "Any sharp pain?"

"No, it doesn't really hurt, just a dull ache. I never got a chance to ask Dr. Bauer, did it work?" I asked Sean.

His eyes twinkled, "Well little bird, according to his file, you had some scar tissue and he was able to clean everything up fairly simply. While the one ovary was completely gone, he was able to unblock the second fallopian tube. Of course, there's always the risk of the scar tissue returning after a few years, but for now, you seem to be doing well."

"Does that mean?" I couldn't even finish the sentence. I wanted to know, but then my mind slammed back remembering Carlos talking about having children with me and I felt a wave of nausea sweep over me.

"Tori?" Sean said, pressing his hand to my forehead. "What do you need?"

"He was going to make me have his children... If you and North..." I cringed at the possibility and gagged. Sean pushed a small bowl under my mouth as I began to vomit. I hadn't been able to stomach much so there wasn't much to lose. He handed me a washcloth as he stepped into the small lavatory to empty the bowl. "Sorry."

He wiped my mouth and handed me a small bottle of water. "Sip slowly, and don't apologize. It's a natural response to what you've endured. We will get through this, Tori. No matter what you need, we will be there for you."

"Thank you," I mumbled and took another drink.

"Now, let's try and get you up. I think a sponge bath sounds good." Sean gave me a sly wink that made me giggle and roll my eyes. "Ahh, music to my ears," he teased as we slowly walked to the bathroom, his arm under mine.

Author's Notes:  Next stop - Greece!

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