Chapter 21

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Prinica looked to the pages of her documents in her free time.

[ Document 14244. 
the infinite ouroboros file .146
Info generator and backstory.

One of the most destructive and most dangerous criminals in Japan. we will be taking an overlay about her entire character.
she did a total of 17 crimes and a decimation of 500 to 1 million humans. this document is written by ourokari. this is mandated to be shared by the japanese, hong Kong, and chinese government public. ( PSA: everyone in the asian world needs to know since we got nearly destroyed 2 years ago. So fuck those kind of people that tries to brag that they are alive and well while they were in the war. nobody cares that your blood didn't get spilled on the floor. nobody gives a fuck. I'm tired of people trying to brag about their well-being when I bring up the war in important meetings or conversations. I'm spilling out my soul. many innocent people died, and then somewhat you want to brag about a disaster that didn't kill you but did kill nearly the entire world. nobody cares fucking cunt. sorry, I got too violent. anyways. I'm gonna write this document now. my boss is gonna fire me for this)
infinite ouroboros is a young japanese girl raised in a cult involved many occults, brainwashing, and devil worshiping. she was an innocent girl raised to be serving the devil and to be serving as the next leader of the Infinite dragon cult. her mother is Kargurki Guri, and her father is Guri Serp. (I'm only gonna mix up their last name since I barely know her mother since I'm basically from the same family. I barely know the women, so that's a secondary disclaimer.)
her entire life goal put on her as even a child is to take control of the world and be the leader of the Infinite dragon cult. to do that. she got brainwashed and truamatized as a child to be turned to a different person and be as much of a psychopath that want she actually wants. her father imputed that goal into her life so much that she would even destory life and make people suffer for even a thread of that control she wanted. her actual name is Mei Serp. the name: infinite ouroboros is a replacement to her actual name and to hide her old identity to make way for this psychopathic version of her.

for this goal. she committed many atrocities and crimes enough to serve 300 years in jail. She became insane for the idea of control and even tried to break down a game production just for it. everything she did was being controlled. taking over SAO is guri's command, causing a catastrophic disaster to corrupt the whole world with poison is guri's command. she got betrayed by her father once she went to her last stand to fight against kiki and Cresent Wolfs. guri betrayed her and claimed to be the real infinite ouroboros. she wasn't pure evil, but she had been changed into a different person just so guri can manipulate and kill right at the end of her goal plans. That's all. their is more to examine about her character and how her stats are. what's her battle prowess like? does she fight? And how did she nearly end the world? the documents will be reviewed tomorrow."

she closed the document and set it down on her desk.

"So her character was all about having a purpose to follow like a normal human in life, but her purpose is to reach a goal that makes humans suffer and die on her own will. she's an interesting person to study on. to be a threat to everyone around you for only one goal but still managed to gain many atrocities to your being like it's a cake walk...the only goals given to her to be the next leader of the cult she's in and also to gain control to everyone since that goal had been set out for her entire life. like it's a goal forced upon her own life and how she can live as a human. like no more other choices or goals set out for her, but for one goal that can possibly destory her in the future. huh.."

"Miss prinica. a visitor arrived to set up a conversation with you. her name is yui black.
she's injured and bleeding."

"She's injured...? Let her in. I need to know what's going on."

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