Chapter 25

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"This...I don't want to think about this at all.. I mean. Why would someone put this here. I only came down to the back of the stage to sort things out. im...I must be strong...I must."

Jing quan busted in here with his hair dragged down by suki.


"Don't worry about him. he's been crying about his father since I had access to his chance to live. I don't want to have to do this to him, but having a useless partner isn't worth it in this situation. and you.
You have done such a great job on your role that I might let you live and be my successor. I'm so surprised that even a timid person such as yourself can be so strong to keep your mental strength stable to handle bites from the people suspicious of your leadership."

"Why would you do that to him? even though his father is basically living inside a dead body..? Is this your way of showing your true colors because I can take it like a boss. try me..I can take any insult you throw at me."

"This isn't about you. I just know what is about to come next in the outcome. But what should I do to him next if his aura is going to radiate dispair because of his decaying father. who cares. should I kill him? Or should I keep him prisoner under his sadness just because he stupidly gave me the key to his medication?"

she sighed, trying to hold herself into blowing up to suki right behind the stage.

"Don't. he already lost his mother. He doesn't need to think about his father's death. mourning a loss of a family member you love is a heavy weight to bear. I know how it me on it. let him down and let him be. or... do I need to go physical with you?"

Li Sushaz/ qu cai? The girl with no arm strength at wanting to be physical with me? this is a laughable sight to see for someone so weak. anyways. You might want to put on your smile because this event is going to start in a minute. You decided to work with me for the money, right?
Your greed is so fascinating♡"


"Look behind you."


Li looked to the audience right when the walls collapsed. they heard everything.

"Hello everyone♡ welcome to this special event. my name is suki of the Witchworth family, and today, we will determine our leader's right to keep Juianyu under her knees. we have Kikitaku haru of the Cresent organization up on the podium to watch this trial. and we have yui black of the Shidekobushi Black family. to speak about the trial. let's go. before things get a little dirty. how does the audience feel about our girl- Li Sushaz. is she a good leader? Is she capable of handling war? Is she capable of anything we throw at her since being a leader is taking care of everything as it's your responsibility?♡ let it begin. let's start off with the serious chick over there. what saying do you have for this?"

"Well..first of.  I would like to thank you for inviting me here to be an important role to this false play. But first. I would like to talk about you. it seems like you use your riches and your money to build things to be served as a purpose. I don't know how much money you make in a day, but let's just say that Li Sushaz wasn't the one that made this region. if the audience believed that you didn't. Then that means they are brainwashed and also believing so false. Li Sushaz is innocent. But I can specify that she is only a leader for one reason only."

"And why is that...? Explain your reasoning. For such a strong woman like you."

"She isn't the leader. but her reason for being forced to be a leader is so obvious. she is advised or rather...controlled to be a leader just for the hundreds of people just so people can't figure out even the blueprint for what is really going on here. you traitor.💢"

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