Court and adoption

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I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon and Burnt toast? I rubbed my eyes as the warm sun peaking through the curtains hit my cheek. I looked down and saw dodger laying on my lap. I slowly picked him up and walked downstairs. I heard Chris talking to someone over the phone so I hid behind a wall.

"Scott she's being abused I need to adopt her I can't let her go back there and I don't know what to do" Chris said

"Chris calm down just talk to her and then talk to the police and I'll come over later so I can help you with the adoption if she says yes" the voice said

"Okay fine I'll talk to her and then if she says yes I'll talk to the cops and see if I can get full custody of her and I can adopt her" chris said holding his head

"Okay I'll see you soon bye brother love you" the voice said

"Love you to Scott bye" chris said ending the phone

I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen.

"Oh morning morg I'm making breakfast do you want some?" Chris said spiting me

"Umm yeah sure" I said putting down dodger as he stayed by my side and I sat down at the table

"I see he loves you already" chris said pointing to dodger

"Yeah he slept on my chest last night it was cute." I said smiling

"Did you sleep good?" He asked

"Yeah I slept good I mean I always have nightmares and that was the first night I didn't have one in like a couple months" I said rubbing my head

"Here you go kiddo" chris said giving me some breakfast and kissing my head

"Thank you Dorito" I said smiling

"I see you heard about what rdj calls me" he said laughing and sitting down next to me with his breakfast

"Yeah i think it's cute" I said giggling and eating the breakfast and surprisingly Christopher Robert evans can cook.

"Is it good?" He asked

"It's amazing I've never had someone cook for me it's normally me doing the cooking" I said

"Can I ask you something" he asked.

"Do I have a choice" I said

"Not really but I was just on the phone to my brother Scott and I told him about you. And I wondered since you don't wanna go back home we can take your parents to court and I could adopt you" Chris said

I almost chocked on my eggs. He wants to adopt me?

"You wanna adopt me?" I said surprised

"I mean yeah you seem nice and I can tell you have a bright future ahead of you I can tell." He said

I smiled and hugged him tight as he returned the hug.

"Is that a yes" he said

"Ofc it's a yes" I said happily

"Great I'll call the police in a bit and see what we can do" he said smiling

I smiled and continued eating my breakfast with Chris as dodger layed by me. I agreed for Chris to see the bruises and scars so I took off the hoodie just leaving me in a crop top. He was really general with me and he helped me put cream on them and everything. He got on the phone with the police and they said that they would set up a court date for us and that I would need to show them my evidence of being abused first. They said the court date was later today. Chris's brother Scott came later on and he was hilarious. They wanted to get us in as soon as possible so Chris gave me some more clothes and I showered and changed and we headed to court with Scott. Chris saw I was nervous and he held my small hand tight. The joys of being 4 foot 11.

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