Premier+ announcement

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(Sorry for all the time skips babes but I'll try not to add anymore xx)

Today was the premiere of gifted. I was really nervous but I didn't let dad see I was. I was wearing a long black dress to match my character in the movie since Sarah was a rebel type and a troubled kid.

 I was wearing a long black dress to match my character in the movie since Sarah was a rebel type and a troubled kid

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It was also the day that dad was going to tell everyone I was his daughter

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It was also the day that dad was going to tell everyone I was his daughter. We were in a limo with McKenna,Octavia and Jenny. I was sat next to dad and McKenna and I tightened my black healed once more since they were pretty big on me.

"How tall are you Morgan" Jenny asked

"I'm 4 foot 11 I'm short okay leave me alone I know I'm short" I said

Everyone laughed and we come to a stop and there was loads of fans outside. I took a deep breath as we all got out and dad helped me out.

"You ready" he asked

"Yep" I said nodding

I took McKenna's and dads hands as we all waved at some fans.we all walked inside after saying hi to some fans and we walked onto the red carpet. We all got pictures by our selves and then some with each other. Everyone loved the trailer and we now had a 2hour interview with Jimmy fallon. Me, McKenna and dad all got ready and sat down and I sat with McKenna on my lap since she wanted to sit on my lap. They started the interview and we  introduced ourselves and what characters we play. Jenny and Octavia stayed downstairs and took pictures so it was just me dad and McKenna.

"Right first question how are you all doing since finishing this film have you been busy or what have you been doing" Jimmy said

"Well we all have been busy in our own ways me and Morgan are in the middle of filming a film together and Morgan is filming 3 different movies right now so her schedule is pretty full" dad said

"Oh really can you tell us about some of them" Jimmy asked

"I can only say stuff about 2 of them right now so the first one im doing is voice acting in a movie called wreck it Ralph breaks the internet which come out next year and then I'm working on a small movie called believe me which was announce a couple weeks ago but I'll be working on another movie next year too but I am not aloud to say anything about that movie yet" I said whilst McKenna played with my hands

"Wow your pretty busy so I have a question for McKenna. How is it working as franks niece in this movie" Jimmy asked McKenna

"It's amazing and fun I mean Chris is really funny and we had prank wars during the movie I felt really bad for the director it was like a zoo on set but we had a lot of bloopers since Chris and me messed up on our lines a lot and Morgan forgot her lines a bit." McKenna said making Jimmy laugh

"Morgan I have here your full name and you and Chris have the same last name any reason for that?" He asked

"Well I think Chris wants to tell everyone" I said looking at dad

"Yeah so a while back I met Morgan at a store and we talked and she was amazing and then we met again at a park where we had a little bit of a sad moment but it turns out her birth parents weren't the best in the world so I decided to take them to court and adopt Morgan so yes she is my daughter now" dad said smiling as everyone cheered and jimmy congratulated us.

"That's cool how's living with chris Morgan" Jimmy asked

"Well it's fun dodger is amazing as well he's the cutest dog ever and if I sleep in a couple minutes chris will always throw me into a pool or bang pans together to wake me up" I said making McKenna and dad laugh

"So I see your the joker of this group" Jimmy asked

"Yeah pretty much besides being 4 foot 11 and then being 5 foot 2 in heels Id say I'm pretty funny" I said

Jimmy laughed and he asked us questions for around 2 hours and they were pretty fun. Me dad Jenny and McKenna all had another interview where they asked fans to ask questions so we all went and sat on the stage and the fans cheered for us a lot of 'Chris I love you' or 'McKenna your so pretty'

"Hello everyone how are we feeling today" dad asked into the mic

Everyone cheered and I sat between dad and Jenny. I started playing with my hands under the table and dad saw me getting nervous so he put his hand on my lap and I drew flowers on the back of his hand as we all answered questions.

"Hello my name is Morgan and I would just like to say Morgan your really pretty and funny and I love your character in this movie and I see your dress represents your character Sarah but I have a question for you" a sweet girl said

"Go for it" I said giving a small smile

"How is it being the shortest person in the movie" she asked making us all laugh

"Well it's fun to be honest like McKenna said in the other interview we had prank wars on set so I always hid in cabinets and scared rather my dad or Jenny since there trailers was next to mine" I said

She smiled and there was a little boy who looked around 5 and his mom held him up.

Bold= Spanish

"Hello Morgan I saw that you were from Spain and I speak Spanish too just like you is it okay if I ask you a question" the little boy said

"Ofc sweetheart ask me anything" I said giving him a soft smile

He looked really shy and he hid behind his hands as his mum hugged him.

"Sorry he's really shy but he wanted to ask if he could get a hug from you" he mum said in English but in a Spanish accent

"Ofc give me one second" I said

Everyone cheered as I got up and walked down to the stand. His mum gave the little boy to me as I hugged him.

"Hey buddy are you okay" I said in Spanish since it would be easier for him

He nodded and he blushed which was adorable. I kissed his head and I sighed a few things for him. I grabbed a small picture of me out of my purse and gave it to him.

"Here it's not much but you can take it" I said smiling

He hugged me once more and I smiled and kissed his head softly. I said bye and headed back up to the stage. I sat back down as more questions were being asked. Most of them were for the others not me. I continued to draw on the back of my dads hand and I looked up to make sure people knew I was listening. It come to the end of the interview and we all went back down and we had a meet and greet with the fans and there was a lot. We all began to sign stuff and take pictures with fans a few of then crying since they were so excited. There was a few kids which were adorable and a couple babies who there parents let me hold. It was good but I was still nervous and I don't know why. I felt dad phone going off in my bag since I had my dads phone. We took a break from the meet and greet and I looked at dads phone and it was all people he worked with saying that they didn't know I was his daughter. I laughed at some and put his phone back in my bag and walked back over. We carried on doing the meet and greet and it took around 3 hours. My feet were on fire in these heels. Let's just say I won't be wearing heels ever again.. okay that's a lie. Me and dad finally got home after a long day and we both changed into comfy clothes and dad made it to his bed but the place I slept however was not comfy. I fell asleep on the stairs? Idk how I did tho



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