Christmas disaster

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Tw!! Talk of self harm

I woke up to cami shaking me. I groaned as she pulled me out of my bed.


I laughed and picked her up and ticketed her as she screamed.

"Wanna go see if we can wake up daddy" I asked

She nodded really fast. I smiled and we smoke into dads room and threw cami onto him and she jumped on him as he woke up.

"DADDY GET UP GET UP GET UP ITS CHRISTMAS WOOOOOO" she screamed running around his room

"She has a rocket up her ass this morning" I mumbled

"AYE LANGUAGE" she yelled

"Sorry captain" I said saluting her

"Okay come on let's go see downstairs" dad said laughing and getting up

Cami twirled and landed in a spider man pose.

"Oh yeah" she said

I rolled my eyes at how much energy this fucking kid has. I picked her up and I walked behind dad while we walked downstairs. I let cami down after we got to the bottom step and we walked into the living room and it was snowing outside and the fire was on so it was warm. Cami screamed at how many presents there is and she ran around the hole living room.

"What have you been feeding this kid man" I asked dad

"Hey what can I say she's your sister" he said stopping cami in her tracks

We all sat down and we all opened out presents one by one. I got a couple pairs of shoes, jewellery, dresses, clothes, make up and I got a picture off cami ,which I'm pretty sure dad got it, which was a picture of me, her,dad and dodger. Cami got some clothes, shoes, an iPad, teddies, drawing stuff and toys. Dad got some new clothes, shoes, a watch, a new bottle of cologne, socks and the picture I got him. Dodger just got toys and treats which I got him and then We made breakfast and ate. I got Camilla ready and she watched her iPad as I got ready.

(Pretend the shorts aren't denim but like comfy shorts)I straightened my hair and then me and cami went downstairs to dad

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(Pretend the shorts aren't denim but like comfy shorts)
I straightened my hair and then me and cami went downstairs to dad. I got the Pestiños out the fridge and I put them in the microwave for 2 minutes and then I took off the tin foil of the pan and turned on the stove to heat up the soup. While cami played with her toys me and dad made the food which I mainly did it bc dad kept stressing.

"Dad go sit your ass down and stop stressing I'll do it" I said leading him to the dinning room

"Are you sure" he asked

"Yes I'm sure I'll be fine just stop stressing yourself out because you'll end up blowing" I said sitting him down.

He nodded and I kissed his head and went back to the kitchen. I did all the cooking for everyone and I may or may not have burnt the chicken a tiny bit but it still looked fine. Cami helped me make the carrots and I then just laid out everything and dad let the hole family in. I saw cami getting a bit overwhelmed so I picked her up and kept her with me but I still let her say hi to the family. I laid out the plates and cutlery. We all sat down and I had cami on my knee and her plate with mine since there was no other chairs. I gave her her bottle which had juice in it and I helped her eat her food since it was still hot. Everyone loved the soup and Pestiños which I was really happy about.

"These are amazing Morgan how did you learn how to make these" grandma asked

"Well my grandma made the best Pestiños ever where she let the honey soke into the Pestiños and then she brushed another layer of honey on and then put the cinnamon sugar on top so it had more flavour but she gave me the recipe when I was 6 and I've made it every Christmas since then and some more Spanish dishes but these 2 are my favourite" I said while feeding cami her soup since I was blowing on it to cook it down.

"Wow I see you like to cook then" grandpa asked

"Well I do now and again but i didn't really have a choice when I was little" I said

"Also I heard 2 of your movie premieres are coming up" Scott asked

"Yeah I have one in January and then one in march and then I start filming a movie in April which I can't say anything about it yet but I'm working with Scarlett and Sebastian since they are playing in it too" I said

"Wow busy busy" Shanna said

"Yeah I have a photo shoot for pretty little thing In January too" I said

"Well don't overwork yourself sweetheart just remember that" Carly said

"I know I'll probably get the day off for camis birthday in April and dads birthday but probably not mine since they wanna get this movie finished as quick as possible I've been practicing some of my scripts with McKenna too" I lied

"Yeah McKenna said your doing really well at that" Chris said

I nodded and we all laughed and joked around all day. After everyone had gone home I ended up washing up all the dishes while cami dried them and dad put them away. After about 3 long fucking hours of boring cleaning I flopped down on the couch as cami ran and jumped on the couch next to me.

"Hello princess" I said moving her hair behind her ear

"I come to ask you something" she said in Spanish

"Oh really what is it" I said back

"Well I- wait what's that" she said starting in Spanish and then moving onto English as she pointed at my scars since my sleeve lifted up

I gulped and got up and run upstairs and shut my door and locked it.  I slid down it crying that she saw my scars. I was worried she was going to hate me or be scared of me for having then now. Or she was going to tell dad I started again I heard a soft knock on my door as I covered my mouth to shut myself up.

"Morgan I know your in there please open the door" dad said angrily

I took a deep breathe and wiped my face. I stood up and opened my door as dad stormed in my room.

"Show me your arms now" he said

"What no" I said

"NOW" he yelled. I flintched at his raised voice and a tear dropped down my chest.

"I wish you were never my father" I said whilst grabbing my phone and running out the house in the freezing cold.

I had fucking shorts on for fuck sake. I ran to a park close by and I sat on a bench crying my eyes out regretting what I just said. I felt myself getting dizzy so I called Ollie knowing he would answer since seb would have been in Romania for Christmas.


Words: 1221💗

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