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Tw!! Mention of abuse.

We go home and I picked the young girl up slowly and walked inside. I placed her on my bed slowly and we put dodger in his like play room so he wouldn't disturb her. I saw her sleeve lift up a bit and I saw a pretty bad bruise the shape of a hand print . I gulped and let her sleep and I went downstairs.

"You need to call the police now" I said angrily

"What why" he said

"That girl is being abused she has a hand print on her wrist like what I had the first time I met you" I said

"Can I go see?" He asked

I walked upstairs with dad following. I walked into my room and she was still flat out. I lifted her sleeve up a tiny bit and the hand print was massive. Dad looked at me and gulped.

"Wake her up" dad said

"Okay go downstairs so you don't freak her out" I said

He nodded and left. I knelt down to her level and rubbing her shoulder gently as she shifted awake.

"Hey princess you okay" i asked

"Yeah where am I" she asked

"Your at my house my dad's downstairs right now but I have to ask you something" I said

"What is it" she said

"I saw a bruise on your arm princess and I just wanted to ask if you were being abused." I asked

I saw her go pale and she started breathing heavily and looking round.

"Hey hey hey calm down princess I'm not going to hurt you I promise I know how it feels to be abused okay look" I said lifting up my sleeve on my jacket I wore and it showed all old scars.

"My parents died when I was 3 and I had to move to Boston with my aunt and she died last year and I've been in a foster home ever since and I haven't learned a word of English and she abuse me a lot since I'm the oldest one" she said sobbing

My heart broke as her little sobs left her mouth. I hugged her carefully and rubbed her shoulder.

"What's your name princess" I asked

"Camilla grace miller and I'm 5" she said holding up 5 fingers

"Well that's a pretty name" I said making her smile

"Thank you" she said softly

"Hey why don't you have a shower in my bathroom and i can give you some spare clothes and then we can talk to my dad okay he'll sort everything out" I said fighting back tears.

"Okay thank you" she said hugging me tight

I hugged her back and I gave her my hoodie and a small pair of shorts as she went into my bathroom. I walked downstairs and instantly broke down.

"Hey hey hey whats wrong pumpkin" dad said running to me and hugging me

"She is being abused dad her parents died when she was 3 and she moved her with her aunt and her aunt died last year and she's been in a foster home and they abuse her we have to do something dad" I said sobbing

"Oh pumpkin it's okay calm down we will sort everything out where is she now" he said kissing my head

"She's taking a shower in my bathroom I gave her my hoodie and a small pair of shorts and I told her we would sort it out" I said

"Right come on wipe your tears and call your uncle Scott to come over and tell him everything. He will help me with the foster stuff and I'll see if we can adopt her she seems like a bright girl I mean I see the same thing in her that I saw in you" he said softly

I smiled hard and hugged him tight. He's smiled and hugged me back. I let go and called uncle Scott and told him everything. He came round 10 minutes later and Camilla come out the shower as Scott got her.

"Hey princess you okay you feel better now" I asked

"Yeah thank you so much" she said hugging me.

"Hey can I see your bruises please it will only be a minute and I won't touch them I just wanna see how bad they are" I asked

She nodded and lifted up her hoodie and sleeves and then she lifted up her pants. I took a shaky breath in and took pictures of them for Evidence which she let me do btw. She then pulled everything down and I hugged her carefully.

"Hey why don't you come down and I'll make you something eat my dad and uncle are sorting your situation out right now so I can make you some food and we can talk with my dad or something" I said

She nodded kinda happy. I smiled and picked her up as she wrapped her legs and arms around me. She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and I placed her on the counter. She said her favourite food was a Spanish dish which was a Spanish chicken pie. It was my favourite Spanish dish to make so I was happy to make it. She told me some stories about her love for dancing while I cooked. A lot of my fans didn't know I was Spanish put somehow camilla did. Latina intuition I guess. Dad and Scott come in the kitchen after smelling food.

"We smell food" dad said

"Yeah sit down I'm making a Spanish dish for us all it is Camillas choice it's her favourite" I said playing it out onto 4 plates

"Ooo yummy I love when you make Spanish dishes" dad said sitting down with Scott

"Any news on anything?" I asked whilst giving Camilla the first plate and then giving dad and Scott 2 others

"Actually yes they said all they need is a statement of her and then evidence of her bruises and they will arrest the foster parent and then see if I can adopt her" he said

I smiled and hugged him tight and went back to eating as I covered Camilla so she felt comfortable eating without anyone looking at her.

"You'll have to translate her statement tho since she won't be able to speak English" Scott said

"I will do don't worry and also her full name is Camilla grace miller her middle names like mine" I said smiling

"Damn that's cool" dad said making me and Camilla chuckle.

I told dad about camilla saying she loved to dance and we showed her a video of me ice skating which she thought was amazing. I let her keep my clothes on and they said we had to go down to the police station tomorrow morning. I said goodnight to dad and Scott left since it was getting late. Camilla wanted to stay with me and I closed my door so dodger wouldn't come in and dad let dodger out since he had been in his room for a while. Camilla cuddled me as she fell asleep and I had my head on hers as we were facing each other with our arms around each other and I fell asleep after her.



Hey guys just a quick question do you want me to make this Evan-Stan too like cami and Morgan have Chris and seb as their parents or not?

Just curious because I have about 20 already prepared chapters to be ready to be posted so it might be in 20 chapters or not idk yet xx

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