South carolina

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Me and caden were in a middle of a heated argument bc he was out late last night and i was really worried about him.



"Lost my ass caden" I said

"Fine don't believe me be the self centred bitch you are" he said

I looked at him with tears in my eyes and I went to our room and slammed the door. I leaned against it crying and I slid down it and slumped on the floor. I sobbed into my hands as mascara ran down my face.

After a couple hours I couldn't hear anything so I got up slowly and peaked my head out and saw caden wasn't here. I quickly grabbed my suit case and packed everything I had. I grabbed a piece of paper and I wrote a note saying .

'Hey I'm sorry but I don't think me staying here is good for us, I'm going back to South Carolina, say goodbye to everyone for me will you. I hope you understand and I left my hair tie on your night stand for you to keep. Goodbye caden, I love you always and forever xx

~ love from dove ♡︎'

I put red lipstick on and kissed the bottom and then I wiped the lipstick off. I sighed and left the note on the counter and went downstairs and put everything in my car. I drove to the airport and did all the boring stuff.

I boarded the plane and I had my headphones on and I zoned out whilst looking out the window. I saw someone sit next to me and I looked up and saw someone I'd never thought I'd see. Chloe and her mom Georgia.

"C-Chloe" I said

"Hey dove" she said smiling

"I-I thought you were dead" I said

"Nope" she said popping the 'p'

"That's not possible I saw you die" I said as a tear ran down my check

"I did die for a couple minutes but they saved me and I needed to escape. I faked my own death and I followed you everywhere to keep an eye on you to make sure you were okay" she said smiling

"S-so you heard me and caden fighting?" I asked

"Not much but I saw you walking out crying so I may have followed you and me and my mom are coming with you since we heard you lived in South Carolina where I'm originally from" she said

I looked at her in shock and I pulled her into a tight hug and I sobbed into her neck.

"I missed you so much you don't even understand " I said

"I missed you too beautiful" she said kissing my head

I stayed hugging her for a while since I miss her hugs really bad.

"I missed your hugs" I said giggling and making them both laugh

"And I've missed yours too" she said smiling

"Let's go to South Carolina" georgia said

"I can't wait to see your house" Chloe said

"It's not much but it will fit all of us" I said

"I can't wait to meet your cast mates too" she said

"Oh my god you'll love them Caroline and chip are like everyone's parents, rudy is the weirdo, madi is just perfect and so is Madelyn, chase is like an older brother and JD is just jd" I said smiling

"We watched your graduation" georgia said

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah they filmed it live and we watched it and Chloe cried at your speech" she said laughing

"I only let one tear fall mom" Chloe said

"Hmm sure" she said making us laugh

"How's cami" Chloe asked

"She's good she's got black hair now like me" I said

"Cute I see your rubbing off on her" she said

"Yeah she's starting to have my attitude now" I said smiling

"God help everyone" Chloe said laughing

"Hey I ain't that bad" I said laughing

"How's the fam" she asked

"Fine my dads got a girlfriend " I said smiling

"Oh really" Georgia said

"Yeah she's from Portugal like me and she's amazing she's so pretty and kind" I said

"Can we see?" Chloe asked

"Yeah here" I said showing them a picture of me,dad,cami and alba at my graduation.

"She's beautiful" Chloe said

"I know right" I said

"You can't tell anyone about this okay?" Chloe said

"Who knows?" I asked

"Just you and Jordan" she said

"How's Jordan I haven't seen him in ages" I asked

"He's good hes going to Harvard" she said smiling

"Is he still studying for mechanics" I asked

"Yes he's got a job now" she said

"Cool" I said smiling

Me, Chloe and Georgia all talked the whole plane ride and I got into my car where I last parked it and I drove to my house.

We spent the rest of the day watching movies and eating take out and cuddling and just catching up on everything. It turns out Chloe was faking her death to get away from Ollie and Meghan and she lived down in New York with her aunt and then came back to Massachusetts a month ago and stayed with her mom on the down low so she wasn't seen.


Surprise!!! The dynamic duo is back #chlorgan💜💜💜


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