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Tw! Self harm and drinking


I woke up around 6:30 and I had the day of since I was injured during a stunt on set yesterday and I just felt like shit. I was really missing everyone so I went downstairs and grabbed my alcohol out the cabinet bc yk fake ID.

I drank it out the bottle and I walked to the bathroom and lifted up my shirt to look at my waist which was black and blue. I sighed and took another sip. I sat on my kitchen floor and kept drinking. I heard my phone ring so I sat up and grabbed my phone of the counter and saw it was dad so I answered.

"Hey papa" I said coughing

"Hey dove why aren't you at work" he asked

"I was injured during a stunt so they said I could have the day off to rest" I said taking another sip.

"You okay you sound tired" he asked

"Yeah I'm just having a drink" I said laughing

"Okay well I have to go to set but take it easy okay" he said

"Okay papa I love you" I said

"I love you too dove" he said

I ended the phone and sighed as I took another sip. I got up and went to the bathroom and I stumbled against the counter.

I grabbed the razor and I began cutting my waist I cried in pain as I slumped down onto the floor. I kept drinking and I then dropped the razor as my waist was just covers in blood.

I coughed really hard and got up slowly. I screamed in pain and I went to the kitchen and grabbed my phone. I rang Rudy whilst crying since he had today off too bc we were both injured.

"Hey Morgan you okay?" He asked

"No I need help Rudy" I said sobbing

"Hey hey where are you" he said worried

"At home I need held Rudy please come quickly" I said crying in pain

"I'm on my way okay just calm down" he said trying to comfort me but it hurt so much.

I sobbed and leaned against the cabinet. Rudy ended the phone and soon came inside.

"Morgan?" He said

"In here" I said sobbing. He ran to me and saw I had blood all over me and a bottle of whiskey next to me that was half empty.

"Holy fuck" he said

"I-it's hurts" I said sobbing

He ran to me and I pointed to the cabinet across from me and he went and got the first aid box out and came back over. He slowly wiped my waist so he wouldn't hurt me whilst I screamed because it hurts. He wrapped my waist and then hugged me as I cried.

"Shhh it's okay I've got you" he said rubbing my arms.

"It's hurts Rudy it really does" I said crying

"I know but look at me" he said lifting my head up as I looked at him.

"You are strong okay your the most amazing girl I've ever met okay you need to understand that you are worth everything on this planet okay you have so many people that love you and look up to you so don't let that go" he said softly

I nodded slowly and I relaxed in his arms. Russo was like my big brother and i felt safe with him and I accidentally fell asleep in his arms.

*** rudys PoV

I saw Morgan had fallen asleep so I carefully picked her up and taken her up to bed. I tucked he in trying not to hurt her and I gently kissed the top of her head.

I walked back downstairs and I decided to stay until she was awake so I could make sure she was okay. Morgan was like my little sister and I cared about her so I didn't want her to go into another episode.

I sat on her couch and watched a few movies to wait till she was awake. I heard Morgan walking down the stairs and I looked over.

"Morning sleepy" I said smiling as she looked at me

"How did you get in" she asked

"Do you not remember?" I asked

"Remember what?" She said confused

"You called me up crying" I said

"My body hurts like a bitch" she said laying down and putting her head on my lap.

"Are you going through an episode again" I asked

"If I am I can't remember which is weird because ever since Chloe died I haven't been remembering my episodes" she said as I played with her hair

"Does your dad tell you when you do?" I asked

"Yeah it's rather him or my family since I don't really know what happens" she said sniffling

"You want some food?" I asked as she nodded

I grabbed my phone and ordered some pizza. After about half an hour it came so I stayed with Morgan and we ate and played some games as we laughed and joked around.

I loved seeing Morgan smile again she was like my little sister so seeing her happy made me happy. We had a dance party
and made a blanket fort with fairy lights. We watched a few movies and we then fell asleep after a bit.



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