Meeting ollies sibilings

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Cami was feeling a bit nervous for meeting ollies family but I gave her my hand to play with which she played with my hand the hole car ride. Ollie got out and helped me out and I got cami out. I held her as we all walked inside. I let cami down and we all took off our shoes.

"Your back" ella asked

"Yeah we brought a little adjustment too" Ollie said

I took off my coat and I helped cami take off hers as Ollie hung them up. I picked up cami and I walked into the living room.

"Aren't you adorable" ella said as she spotted cami

Cami went shy instantly and hid her face into my neck.

"Cami don't be shy say hi to her this is Ollie mom her names Ella" I said

"Hey I'm Ella what's your name" Ella said softly

"Camilla" cami said shyly

"Awww thats a pretty name do you want some juice sweetheart" Ella asked

Cami nodded and Ella made her some juice and I sat down next to Ollie and had cami on my knee.

"Where's dad" Ollie asked his mom

"He's gone to the airport picking up your siblings" Ella said handing cami a cup of orange juice

"Is Shannon still being a bitch" he asked

"First off what your mouth there's a child and second off yes she's being a brat" Ella said

I held my hand out as he rolled his eyes and gave me a 5. We did this thing where if we were together and one of us swore we have to give the other person a 5 and so far Ollie swore more than me which was funny.

"What did you do when you went back home" Ella asked me

"Well my dad had been drinking all night so he was pretty hammered and cami had to stay at my grand parents so she wasn't scared but I told him to sleep it off and we would talk properly when he wakes up so I just cleaned up the bottles and fed dodger" I said since cami had her headphone on and she was watching my phone

"Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry" she said hugging me

"It's fine honestly it's kinda my fault anyways" I said

"Hey don't say that it wasn't your fault" Ollie said rubbing my back

"GUESS WHOS BACKKKK" a voice yelled

Ollie groaned and I took off camis headphones so she would be able to hear them. I put them in my bag and I held her as we all walked to the front door area. I saw Ollie's siblings and his dad.

"Oh hey Morgan I didn't know you were coming back" Danny said hugging me

"Yeah I brought cami with me too" I said

"Hey cami it's lovely to meet you" Danny said softly to cami while Ollie and Ella said hello to the others

Cami went shy and she hid her face in my chest again. I said hello to Ollie siblings as we all went and sat down. Ollie's siblings were wanda, Natasha, Maria, Sharon and carol and then there was James. Ella mad Danny love marcel so that's why they are name off characters from marvel besides Ollie.

"You okay babe" Ollie asked me since I was biting my skin again

"Yeah just worried about my dad" I said

"He'll be fine I promise your his princess" he said kissing my head

I nodded and cami sat on Ollie's knee and played with his hands. We all talked with Ollie siblings for a bit and cami wanted to have a nap so Ollie said it was okay for her to go take a nap in his bed. Ollie gave her his hoodie so she could be comfy and she fell asleep almost instantly on his bed. I mean I don't blame her his bed was so soft. Me and Ollie walked back out holding hands and we both sat down as he placed his hand on my thigh.

"I see you finally asked her then" James asked

"Yeah I did I asked her yesterday well technically last night but yeah she said yeah" Ollie said smiling at me as I smiled back

"Finally you can now shut up about her" Natasha said

"Hey I didn't talk about her that much" Ollie said

"YOU CRAZY?" They all yelled at him making me and Ollie laugh

"Okay maybe I did talk about her a lot" he said

"Maybe?" His dad said (rdj reference ifykyk)

"Okay fine I did" Ollie said

"I dont blame him your stunning" Wanda said

"Thank you so are you" I smiled

"Okay stop flirting with her" Ollie told his sister

"What scared I might take your girl" she said

"Maybe" he said

"Dude I'm 21 she's 15 not going to happen" she said laughing

"Good bc she's mine" he said kissing me

"Get a room" his older sister carol said.

"Okay fuck off let me kiss my girl" Ollie said

I held my hair out and clears my throat. He groaned and gave me another 5.

"I see she already we're the pants in the relationship too" James said

"Bro have you met her she's scares me" Ollie said

"Hey I ain't that bad" I said which was a lie.

"You put a girl in hospital when you were 11 so yes I'm scared" he said

"She accidentally slapped my best friend so I accidentally put her in the hospital" I said shrugging

"God I love you" he said kissing me mad I kissing him back.

"Ew get a room" Sharon said

"Oh my god leave the poor kids alone" Ella said

After an hour I saw cami come out of Ollie's room so I went and picked her up before she walked into anything since she was still half asleep. I went and sat back down as I held cami close and she came round and got a little shy at how many people were here so she hid behind Ollie. Ollie put his hands behind his back and cami smiled and played with them. After a couple more hours I checked my phone and saw dad messaged so I opened it.


Hey princess I woke up a bit ago but I just had a shower and cleaned up a bit but I just wanted to let you know I was awake xx

Okay I'll tell cami now and we will come home and is it okay if I bring my friend Ollie remember my managers nephew xx

Ofc idm xx

Okay we will be home in around half an hour xx

Okay be careful princess love you x

Will do love you too xx


I told Ollie that my dad messaged and he agreed to take me and cami home. Me and cami said bye to his family and Ollie drove us home.



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