Truth premiere

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Today was the premiere and if I was honest I am shitting it. I really don't want to see Ollie but I had to go because i didn't want to miss out. It was in la so dad and cami stayed at home whilst I went with seb and scar. We stayed at a hotel and we had a hole glam team come and help us get ready. It took a total of 3 hours for us all to get ready.

 It took a total of 3 hours for us all to get ready

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Me and Sebastian got in one car as the rest got in a couple different ones. I was really nervous because I hadn't seen Ollie yet and I heard he was taking Meghan. I felt like my heart was in my stomach and seb noticed so he held my hand.

"Your going to be fine I promise you okay your dad and cami are watching it now look" he said showing me a picture of dad and cami watching the premiere on tv.

"I know I'm just nervous about seeing Ollie since I haven't seen him since we broke up and he is bringing Meghan" I said

"You'll be fine I promise you okay just smile and don't let anyone get to you and if you feel like you need a break come to me or Scarlett we will help you" he said kissing my head

"Thank you" I said smiling

He smiled as we stopped and we both got out and headed inside. Me and Sebastian walked onto the carpet as everyone cheered. I kept my head down for a bit and I then lifted my head up as the hole room filled with cheers and the flashes went crazy.

"You okay" seb whispered in my ear.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said giving him a small smile

He nodded as I helped his hand tight and we took pictures with a lot of people. We signed some things and then we had an interview so me, Sebastian, alexia, Scarlett and Ollie all sat on the stage. I sat in between alexia and Sebastian since they agreed for me not to sit next to Ollie. Seeing him again made me feel sick.

"Welcome back guys it's lovely to have you back" the interviewer said

"Thank you for having us this is amazing" Scarlett said

"I see we have 2 new people on the couch here Ollie and alexis this is your first ever movie right?" He said

"Yeah it is I mean it's a pleasure working with 3 great actors and I actually went to high school with Scarlett but yeah I didn't expect to be acting in my first ever movie with the one and only Sebastian Stan, Morgan evans and Scarlett johansson." Alexia said with a smile

"Morgan everyone been asking one question and one question only why have you taken a break from social media" he asked

"I mean I said it in my story a month or 2 ago and I just wanted to take a break from social media since my mental health wasn't the best and I was constantly getting comments and messages saying how I should loose weight and stuff and I was getting bullied in school but i don't have that problem anymore I suppose and other stuff" I said whilst playing with my hands

"Well if you don't mind explaining what comments were they" he aske

"Well the comments we're saying I deserved better because I was dating Ollie at the time but I constantly got comments about how I look and how fat I was like saying I should stop eating or go kill myself or slit my wrists and stuff like that" I said

"We're sorry to hear that your an amazing and beautiful girl" he said

"Thank you" I said with a small smile

"And Ollie we heard you've a special guest here today" the guy said

"Yeah I have my girlfriend here with me today she's actually back stage watching" he said smiling

"Would she like to come out here?" He asked

"Sure can she?" Ollie asked

"Yeah ofc everyoen welcome ollies girlfriend Meghan" he said and the room filled with cheers.

Seb noticed I was getting a bit on edge and so did Scarlett so they both held my hands whilst I bit my tongue.

"Hello everyone" meghan said into the mic.

"Welcome meghan it's lovely to meet you how are you" the guy said

"I'm doing good there's so many people here" she said

"Yeah there's 1 thousand people here but I have a question" he said

"Go ahead" she said smiling

"What's it like dating Ollie I mean how is he as a partner" he asked

"He's amazing I mean he's funny and he honestly is the best boyfriend ever I mean it's more like having a best friend and boyfriend and child at the same time" she said making everyone laugh besides me.

"And Morgan how do you feel about these 2" he said

"Hm?" I said lifting my head

"How do you feel about Ollie and Meghan" he asked

"Who?" I said

"Ollie and Meghan" he said

"Who are they" I said shrugging and making everyone laugh.

"That's my girl" Scarlett said as i high fived her.

"I see there's a bit of drama" Alexis said

"He is a bit of a liar he lead me on and cheated on me for I don't even know how long and there's so much more I could say but not my place to say stuff but one thing, once a cheater always a cheater" I said shrugging.

"Well Ollie what is it like seeing you and your ex make out on tv" he asked

"Shit" he said

"Weren't complaining tho" I mumbled.

"What was that Morgan" Ollie said

"Weren't complaining when I had my tongue down your throat and you had to make hickeys on my neck" I said smirking

"Yk what I think that's all for today everyone give it up for the cast of truth" the interviewer said as I got up and left as I was crying.

Scarlett ran after me but I ran to the back of building and broke down on tears. Scarlett ran to me and hugged me as I cried into her shoulder.

"Hey hey hey don't cry princess you did so well I'm so proud of you" she said rubbing my back slowly.

"I know but it's just seeing him again and not being able to call him mine and everything I haven't even taken off the necklace he got me yet and it's been a month" i said sobbing

"I know sweetheart but come on I'll call us our driver and we can go back to the hotel" she said wipping my face as I nodded.

Scarlett called the driver and I saw Ollie and Meghan making out. I instantly knew that he was over me and that I didn't mean anything to him. I watched them as they made out and I felt my heart drop. The driver came and me and Scarlett went back to the hotel and I never said a word. I walked straight up to my room and locked it as I called dad sobbing as he tried comforting me for almost 6 hours. 



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