C section

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Today was march 6th and I was up at 2 am while having contractions. I was a week late so I was having the baby. Mom and dad was here and mom was rubbing my back as dad helped caden get the car set up like the car seat and the hospital bag and stuff.

"Hey just breath okay your doing amazing" mom said rubbing my back as I was bent over in pain and I had a contraction tracker.

I took deep breathes as i tracked my contractions which were currently 5 minutes apart but 45 seconds long.

The boys got the car ready and helped me into the car and I held onto the handle and hid my face in pain as caden drove to the hospital and mom and dad drove home.

Caden parked into a space and then the nurses came out since we called them before and helped me onto a wheelchair and they wheeled me inside and caden came with me and dad and mom went and got cami.

They gave me a hospital gown so I went and put it on and then they had a monitor on my belly to monitor the babies heart rate and a monitor to track my contractions.

"How you feeling"  caden asked rubbing my head

"Tired" I said closing my eyes

"I know sweetheart but you have to stay awake she's coming" he said kissing my head softly.

Caden still thinks it's a girl and I still said boy which I didn't mind if it was a girl but caden has always wanted a girl.

"Where's my parents" I asked

"They are 2 minutes away with cami" he said holding my hand

"Okay good" I said nodding

The doctors came in and said that the baby was breached and that id have to have a c section and i was a bit worried but i was ready. They left soon after and then mom, dad and cami came in with some flowers.

"Hey hermosa" I said to cami as she hugged me carefully

"Hey are they coming?" She asked caden as she pulled away slowly

"Very soon bellissima" he said kissing her head.

"How you feeling dove" dad asked as he kissed my head

"Tired and hurting" I said rubbing my belly

"How many cm are you" mom asked

"they said that they are still breached so ill have to have a c section" I said.

"Have you told anyone yet?" Dad asked

"Nope not yet" caden said

"What about your parents" dad said

"We aren't talking right now and plus they will be busy or asleep" he said

"Are you nervous" mom asked caden as she sat down

"A bit but I'm ready" he said nodding as he held my hand

"i already told you you'll be fine" I said

"I know but I'm scared I'm going to turn out like my father" he said looking down

"You won't" cami said hugging him

"Thank you bellissima" he said kissing her head

She smiled softly as we all talked for a while and then they took me into the surgeey room and the gave caden a gown to wear and they did the c section and took me back into a recovery room and they didnt let me see them for around an hour since they had to make sure that they were healthy.

After an hour they came back in with them and caden was holding them. I covered my face as I cried at the sight of him holding the baby and he slowly put them in my arms.

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