Birth parents

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Today was ment to be a chill out day with just me dad and cami but haha no bitch my birth parents got out of prison and want to take me back. They forced the police to set up a trail to see if they can get me back

"Dad what happens if they win the trial" I asked worried

"Then I promise I'll try my hardest to get you back" he said hugging me tight as I cried

"I don't want to loose you" I said sniffling

"I know sweetheart but I promise you'll be okay so let's go in there and we will try our hardest" he said kissing my head

"Dad" I said

"Yes pumpkin" he said

"You promise me no matter what happens you'll never forget me" I asked

"I promise my pretty girl" he said kissing my head

I put my forehead on his and took a deep breath.

"I love you dovey always and forever" he said

"Always and forever" I said

He nodded as we both took a deep breath and walked into the court room. I saw my birth parents and I immediately stopped and felt really lightheaded. I stumbled back and dad then helped me stand up straight.

"Morgan baby come to momma" Elma said openeing her arms

I ignored her and looked away and dad went and sat with his lawyer and I sat in between Scott and aunt Carly. Scot held my hand tight as I took in a few shaky breathes. I looked down and my hat viewed my face so no pictures of my face would be there. I didn't look over at Elena and Pedro since I knew if I did dad would loose this trial. I kept my head down and didn't say anything. If I'm being honest I think I zoned out during it.

"Mr and Mrs Martinez shall have Morgan back as there daughter and me evans will not be able to speak or see miss Martinez" the jury said

I instantly looked up.

"No I'm not fucking leaving him" I said standing up and jumping over the wall and hugging dad

"Dovey listen to me" dad said kneeling down as I cried.

"I will try my hardest to get you back to me and cami okay but for now you have to go back okay I'm so so sorry" he said holding my face

I cried and hugged him tight as then the hole family hugged me.

"You now shall say your goodbyes to Camilla and Sebastian" the officer said

I knocked and went to the room where Camilla was in and Sebastian. I walked inside and knelt down to cami.

"Hey princess" I said sniffling

"Did you win?" She asked excitedly

"No princess we didn't I have to go now and I can't come back" I said

"No you can't leave your my sister you can't leave me" she said

"I have to pretty girl it's the law" I said moving her hair behind her ear

"NO THEY ARENT TAKING YOU IM NOT LETTING THEM" she yelled sobbing as I cried and hugged her tight.

"I love you pretty girl always and forever" I said

"You promise you won't forget me" she said crying

"Never ever" I said kissing her head

I let her go and gave her a quick kiss before standing up and looking at seb.

"I'm so sorry princess" he said hugging me tight as a tear fell down his cheeks

"It's not your fault seb" I said

"We will get you back I promise" he said

"You all have to make one promise to me tho" I said to the whole family

"Anything" dad said

"You promise you'll all look after yourself and not treat it as a family death because I always come back" I said

"Well your our dovey we can't leave you" Scott said hugging me

"I know but you can't miss me to much" I said

"We will try not too" dad said

I nodded as I gave the hole family one last hug and then I grabbed my stuff since they already picked it. I saw cami sobbing which broke my heart. I cried as I walked out the room and I leaned against the wall and slid down it. I sobbed into my hands and then I saw my birth parents come out the court house and walk over to me.

"Oh baby girl your all grown up" Pedro said hugging me.

"Don't fucking touch me" I said getting up and walking outside.

I heard them both sigh and we all got in the car. I looked out the window and they started driving.

I shouldn't be here I should be with Chris and cami and seb not with these two.


Words: 802💗

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