Little sister

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I woke up and saw Camilla was still fast asleep. I decided to make her a Spanish breakfast. I got up slowly and walked downstairs and I checked on dad and saw he was still asleep. The time was 6:43am. I decided to let them both sleep in and I cleaned the whole living room up and I made the Spanish breakfast for all 3 of us. Dad liked when I made Spanish meals. I think he told me said that just an excuse not to cook cl the lazy shit. I fed dodger and let him outside and I felt it was a bit cold outside considering it was the middle of october. I set out breakfast and I went and woke dad up and then ran upstairs and sat and rubbed camillas shoulder gently as she woke up.

"Hey princess I made some breakfast can you come down and eat dads already up" I said

She nodded and got up. I smiled and she wanted me to braid her hair which I did before I picked her up and headed downstairs. I walked downstairs and put her on the chair as dodger ran in and ran to me and jumped on my lap as I just sat down.

"Woah clam down buddy" I said petting him and he calmed down and curled up in my lap we all ate and we talked and I translated the Spanish camilla was saying to Chris. After finished I cleaned up white camillas help wiping down the counters. I ran upstairs and had a shower while camilla played on my phone and she got in after me. I laid out some more clothes for her in the bathroom for when she finished and i dried my hair and got ready.

 I laid out some more clothes for her in the bathroom for when she finished and i dried my hair and got ready

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I gave Camilla a different hoodie and a different pair of shorts which just barely fit her.She sat on my chair as I put her hair in two braids and she watched a film on my tv as we were getting ready. I texted Ollie about what's happening and he was happy that I was happy. I've always wanted a little sister but my parents wanted boys so that's why they were abusive with me. Camilla told me her birthday was April 10th so I wrote it down on my phone so I wouldn't forget. I had finished filming all my movies for this year I was just waiting for the premiere of them and then I would start filming the romance movie called 'truth' (btw idk if it's not a real film that is out idk if it might or might not it's just for the story). It's about 2 teenagers in middle school called Connie and James. James moved to America from London so Connie decideds to show him round and everything and they end up falling in love blah blah and then Connie ends up getting kicked out by her parents for being in love at a young age. Anyways back to the family. We headed down to the station around 10am and as camilla told her statement I translates it for them she basically said that they were abusing her and not letting her eat for days and that there was 4 other kids around 3-4 that were there. They told us that the man that had took her in had been to jail before for child abuse so now he would get life sentence which camilla was glad with. It was just a waiting game for us to find out if Chris could adopt camilla. I sat in a small room with Camilla where there was books and stuff. She wanted me to read her a story so I did. I read a book to her and she said I was good at reading which surprised me considering I was dyslexic. (Hehe me irl). I put the book back and the officer and dad came back.

"What did they say" I asked

"All she has to do is sign the papers and she'll be stuck with us" dad said smiling

I screamed and hugged dad tight. Camilla smiled and started crying because she was finally free and had a family. I hugged her tight and I helped her sign it since she didn't know where to sign it. We changed her name to Camilla grace evans too which she wanted too. We grabbed the paper and everything and we decided to go shopping for some clothes for her and some other stuff she would need since they didn't really have anything at the foster home. We got her some clothes and I got her a bracelet with her name in graved in it. Me and dad got her some necklaces and some other stuff she would need. We put them all in the car and we drove back home after getting mc Donald's. I taught Camilla some English so she can improve on talking to others. She was getting the hang of it but she was still struggling a bit.  Dad decided to keep Camilla a secret for her safety like he did with me for a while. In 4 months it would be one year with Chris and I was excited. We finally got home and we sorted camilla's room out which was next door to mine since she was scared to be alone. My bathroom was connected to her room so we had to share a bathroom. We all got into lazy clothes and all sat on dad massive bed as a family and dodger laid on me and Camilla as we all watched movies all day and ordered pizza and was lazy all day. It was fun being lazy for once. Me and dad taught Camilla some more English while we all sat and watched movies and she eventually got more into it and she started speaking some English but she still struggled with her wording a bit which was understandable.  We had fun and I told her some stories about when dodger bit Chris's butt and he accidentally fell in the pool. I told her to be careful just in case Chris would throw her into the pool. Chris and Camilla were now closer than ever which I was happy about. It reminded me of when me and Chris first met. We all fended up falling asleep cuddling each other. I don't know how we did but we managed it.




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