Well... This Is Awkward

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I walked into the school with my head low and tried to make little eye contact. It was my first day at a new school but it wasn't a school that I was used to. It was a private school; something that my parents could only afford as of this year. I was happy that their business had started to pick up and the money was rolling in but I really didn't see the point of me moving school. It was absolutely ridiculous!

Who would have thought that in the middle of year nine, I would be going to posh private school that is most likely filled with annoying rich brats? I looked around for the office. It was a pretty big school and I could tell that I was going to be lost for most of the day.

"What do we have here?" A voice asked to the left of me so I looked up.

I saw a tall boy with brown hair and blue-grey eyes. He was slightly tanned which was kinda weird because it wasn't sunny at all in England but then rich people could afford to go on holiday often. I hadn't been on holiday since I was five years old.

"A picture lasts longer you know." He taunted with a smirk but I stayed silent.

"The ugly duckling is rude as well? You should be happy that I am even bothering to talk to you." He told me incredulous.

I raised an eyebrow and then turned away from him. I walked through the main entrance and walked down an extremely long corridor until I saw a sign saying 'main office' over double doors.

I walked through and walked right up to the receptionist. "My name is Naomi Williams. I'm starting today and I need a timetable." I told her quietly.

"Please sit down on a chair and wait for your guides to arrive." She replied.

"Guides?" I blurted out confused.

"There will be two people in year eleven coming to give you a tour of the school. Now, please sit." She told me before tapping away at her computer.

I sat down without another word. She hadn't even given me my timetable. How the hell am I supposed to know what classes to go to? I already disliked this school. I could only hope that the students weren't as annoying as the staff seemed to be. If they were anything like the idiot from before, then I would be begging my parents to transfer me back to my old school by the end of the day. It's a shame that such a good looking guy has such an ugly personality.

I sighed heavily and closed my eyes.

"Wow if you're already sighing like that and it's only the first day then I really worry about your survival chances." I opened my eyes to see a girl smiling down at me.

"I'm Lili and I'll be your guide." She told me grinning.

"I'm Naomi. Do you have my timetable?" I asked quietly so the receptionist wouldn't hear.

"Didn't she give it to you?" Lili asked. I shook my head before Lili rolled her eyes and walked over to ask for my timetable. "Let's go." She told me before leading the way out of that area.

"I really appreciate you taking the time to show me around. I know you probably have a lot of work to do." I told her.

"It's a free period so it's fine. In any case, I did a lot of my GCSEs last year." She told reassuringly and I smiled at her.

"So have you met anyone yet?" She enquired as we continued to walk.

"One arsehole." I replied.

"There's quite a few in here." She told me.

"Aren't there supposed to be two guides?" I asked as we walked out of the main entrance

"He's meeting us here. Oh, there he is!" She replied waving slightly at somebody behind me.

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