Well... This Is Awkward (14)

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I walked into the office in a bad mood.

“Mrs Amoroso, I didn’t expect you to be here today!” My personal assistant, Gia, gasped and stood up.

“Don’t call me that.” I snapped at her.

His very name was pissing me off but it seemed I couldn’t escape since it was now my name. Mrs Luca Amoroso. What a fucking joke.  

“What would you prefer me to call you?” She asked quietly.

“Just call me Naomi.” I said smiling tightly.

“Is there anything I can do for you today?” She enquired.

“Could you get me a cappuccino and if anyone calls, tell them that I’m still not back yet.” I told her.

“Sure.” She nodded before I walked into my office

I quickly closed the door and sank down into the chair behind my desk. I had so much work to do. I don’t know why the hell I agreed to going on that honeymoon. If I’d stayed for the full holiday, I would have died with all the catch up work. My thoughts drifted towards my husband. Luca Amoroso. That fucking dickhead. The heartache I was feeling was due to him was immense.

“Naomi, Ms Peprah is here. I told her that you were still on your honeymoon but she said that she knew you were in here. Should I send her away?” Gia enquired through the intercom.

“No that’s fine. Send her in.” I replied.

“Why was she talking like I wasn’t standing right there?” Maame complained.

“It’s her job to listen to my orders not yours. I think the better question is why you’re up here?” I replied.

“Nope I don’t think that is the better question.” She told me shaking her head.

“Oh no? I’m intrigued, what is then?” I enquired.

“The better question is why you are even at work when you should be on your honeymoon.” She answered.

“Well technically my honeymoon was only supposed to be a week so I’m back.” I told her.

“Your parents gave you an extended holiday because Luca went on that business trip.” She replied.

“Well I don’t want to spend any more time with that prick.” I grumbled.

“What did he do? You still haven’t told me!” Maame exclaimed.

“I don’t want to talk about it. It’s just going to make me angry.” I told her.

“I’m sure it’s not even that bad.” Maame remarked rolling her eyes.

“I wish. Alright I’ll tell you but if I punch you because I’m so frustrated, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” I conceded finally.

“So there’s me waiting like a dickhead for this guy to return.” I started off.

Once I started I could not stop. I had been disappointed when Luca first left but then I realised that there was a lot to look forward to. I went for walks with Nonna everyday and helped to prepare meals even though a lot of time, I was kicked out for not doing something to her standards. A few days had passed and I was so bored without Luca so I decided to go to the beach.

I went into the sea for a swim before sunbathing on the sand.

“Naomi?” A voice asked and I lifted up my sunglasses to get a good look at the person. It was my friend Carlo, the person who had taught me Italian.

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