Well... This Is Awkward (16)

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“Do I really have to go?” Luca whined.

“Of course you do. I’m not going there by myself.” I replied.

“Maame is going to be there. She can keep you company.” He suggested.

“I want your company though.” I told him and he groaned.

“In any case, you were invited so you can’t refuse.” I continued.

“That’s the bit that I don’t get. Your brother hates me so why would he invite me to his birthday?” He asked.

“He didn’t trust you before and thought that you would break my heart with your playboy ways. Now he knows that you’re actually a good person and wouldn’t hurt me.” I informed him and Luca started shifting uncomfortably.

I walked over to him and stroked his cheek.

“We won’t tell my brother about what happened but you still have to make me forgive you.” I informed him.

“I know.” He replied softly.

“Could you please hurry up?” I asked and then saw him coming down in a suit.

“What are you doing?” I enquired.

“Getting dressed.” He replied.

“This is a casual gathering. We’re just going to his house.” I told him exasperated.

I pulled him back upstairs and went to his closet. I picked up a dark blue shirt, a pair of jeans and his air forces.

“Now would you please hurry up?” I begged.

“Of course. I’m going.” He replied and I walked downstairs. In five minutes, he was back down and appropriately dressed.

“Let’s go.” I said before walking out.

When we walked in, I saw a load of my cousins that I hadn’t seen in a while and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Where’s the birthday boy?” I asked to everyone in the room.

“I’m right here.” Kevin said smiling as he walked into the room.

“Happy birthday big bro!” I exclaimed before giving him a bear hug and then I gave him his present.

“This is from me and Luca.” I told him and he focused his attention on my husband.

“Happy birthday man.” Luca said and they did that stupid man handshake.

“Hey Luca, can I talk to you for a sec?” My brother asked him smiling.

“Yeah sure.” Luca replied shrugging and I watched them walk off together with a slight smile. This could be the start to a beautiful friendship.

I walked around talking to different people and then I spotted Eva. I ran over to her and gave her a big hug. I hadn’t seen her in ages.

“Hey hun, how have you been?” She asked smiling.

“I’ve been okay I guess.” I replied.

“I heard about what happened.” Eva admitted and I froze.

“What did you say?” I demanded.

“Maame told me about what happened between you and Luca. Has he made it up to you?” She asked.

“He’s in the process.” I replied smirking.

“I hope you’re not being too mean Naomi.” She remarked smiling before brushing some of her hair out of her face.

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