Well... This Is Awkward (19)

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A whole day and night without Naomi was torture. How the fuck was I going to get through three more? I was so bored on the way to work on Monday morning. Normally Naomi would make me laugh because she always complained about her ridiculous workload and how it never seemed to be shifting. In the car park, I met up with Maame.

“Why so glum chum?” She asked.

“Why do you think?” I muttered.

“It’s only been a day and you’re like this. I wonder how you’re gonna last until Friday.” She wondered and I glared at her.

“Don’t be glaring at me. I’m the one whose only friend has ditched her.” Maame whined.

“I’m your friend.” I stated frowning.

“You’re always busy with Isabella so I hardly see you anymore.” She replied.

“Why don’t you come with us to lunch today?” I offered.

“With you and Isabella? No thanks.” She refused.

“Why not?” I asked frowning.

“I’d rather not be the third wheel. I think going with you guys would be worse than going to lunch with Nino and Lili.” She replied shaking her head.

I mulled over what Maame said and frowned. She didn’t seem to like Isabella still. Was she still holding a grudge for Naomi? All these questions rolled around my head and I accidentally bumped into Isabella. Once I took a glance at her, I couldn’t help but stare. She was looking smoking today. I cleared my throat and smiled awkwardly at her.

“Good morning.” She greeted and I nodded back at her.

“Your coffee is on your desk.” She informed me giggling.

“Thanks.” I mumbled and walked into my office.

There was a lot of work to be done so me and Isabella were hard at work for the whole day. To be honest, I didn’t understand what Maame was talking about. We didn’t talk about things that only we could understand. We did reminisce on old times frequently but not all the time right? I frowned and then carried on with work. Once we had finished, I was exhausted but I didn’t really want to go to an empty house. We met Antonino downstairs as he was dropping Isabella home since she still hadn’t got a car.

“Do you guys wanna go out tonight? I’m so bored.” Nino asked.

I was about to refuse; I mean, it’s Monday for pete’s sake but then I realised that I had nothing better to do.

“Yeah alright.” I replied shrugging.

“Great! Even Vinnie agreed to come out for once!” Nino exclaimed grinning and we all headed towards the carpark.

I woke up in the morning with a pounding headache. I have got to stop drinking so much. I vaguely remembered dinner and then a whole load of tequilas being ordered. My phone started to ring and I groaned. I fumbled about for it and pressed accept.

“Hello.” I croaked.

“Hey there hubby, how’s it going?” Naomi chirped.

“Naomi, how are you? How is New York?” I asked.

“Oh you’re awake.” Bella announced from the doorway.

“Why does it seem that whenever I call you, Isabella’s always nearby?” She asked amusement lacing her voice.

“You seem rather chipper today cucciola mia.” I stated carefully.

“I’m having such good day and in any case Isabella called and explained the situation.” She replied.

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