Well... This Is Awkward (20)

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“Naomi, it’s time to wake up.” I heard Luca saying above me.

“I know for a fact that it isn’t time for me to get up so go away.” I mumbled turning over.

“Our date starts right now so you need to wake up.” He insisted and I sat up slowly.

“This is a very bad start to the date.” I told him and he grinned.

“You won’t be saying that once we’re done today trust me.” He replied before pushing in the direction of the bathroom.

I walked down in a grey top, black skinny jeans, a black blazer and boots. “Is this alright for the date? I didn’t know since you still haven’t told me what we’re doing today.” I demanded in annoyance.

“It’s amazing. Let’s go.” He replied smiling.

He drove downtown and I tried to figure out where we were going. I furrowed my eyebrows when we turned into the company car park.

“I’ve always wanted to go to work for a date.” I exclaimed before glaring at him.

“Don’t knock it before you try it.” Luca simply replied and got out of the car. I trudged behind him grumbling under my breath.

“No need to be so grumpy. I’m sure you’re going to love it.” He told me smiling.

He was in annoyingly good mood. I bet it was because he thought he was going to score but in the mood I was in, there was no way he was touching by the end of the day.

“Today, I’m going to make you happy but if you keep teasing me by saying that I’m not gonna get some, I might have to spank you a little tonight.” He whispered winking.

We took the elevator up to the top floor. Luca went to lead the way to another door and quickly opened it, revealing a ladder.

“Ladies first.” He gestured grinning.

“You just want my arse in your face.” I replied.

“Darn you realised my plan!” He exclaimed slapping his thigh and I couldn’t help but smile. I climbed up and saw a rug with a basket on it.

“It looks like we’re just on time.” Luca commented from behind me. I swivelled around.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Turn around.” He told me. I spun back around to see the sun slowly rising up. Luca walked over to the rug and sat down.

“Care to join me?” He asked and I laughed before walking over and sitting beside him.

The breakfast that he’d prepared was amazing and he had brought my camera along so that I could take pictures of the city as the sun lit up the place.

“So are we going back home to sleep now?” I asked as we finished breakfast.

“We’re not sleeping today cucciola mia.” He replied smirking.

“Where else could we possibly be going?” I asked incredulous.

As it turns out, quite a few places.

We went to a secluded area where it is just perfect for photos to be taken. I busied myself away with that while Luca seemed content just watching me. I wasn’t really paying attention to him though. I was too wrapped up in my photos but I could still feel his gaze on me.

“Can I take a picture please?” Luca asked from beside me and I jumped.

“Wow you scared me. Yeah if you want.” I replied shrugging but made sure to wrap the strap around his neck; I wasn’t going to just let him drop and break my precious! I looked out into the world and listened to the clicks of my camera next to me.

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