Well... This Is Awkward (11)

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Stress. That is all I feel right now. The wedding is in ten hours and everyone is pissing me off. My mum is fussing over everything and when I say everything, I mean it. She’s there worrying about the angle of the chairs for the guests when I’m worrying about the fact that people are running late. I woke up at the crack of dawn because apparently mine and my bridesmaids’ hair, nails and make up was supposed to take a long time yet the bloody makeup artists weren’t there. I was cursing those idiots in every single language I knew… out loud.

“Honey, stop swearing, they will be here very soon.” My mum tried to placate me and I glared at her.

“You can stop having a hissy fit now. The people are here.” Maame announced smirking.

My hairdresser had just finished with her hair and I smiled at the good work. When he walked into the room, I mock glared at him.

“Are you trying to make her outshine me on my day?” I demanded pretending to be outraged.

“Nobody could outshine you today.” Joe my amazing hairdresser replied grinning.

“Thanks for all your hard work today.” I told him smiling gratefully.

“No problem, I’ll see you later at the church.” He replied before walking out of the house.

In about two hours, I was finally ready to put on my dress. My mum was right there to help me into it without ruining my hair or make up. Once it was on, my mum gave me a watery smile and I squeezed her hand.

“Don’t start crying otherwise you’ll set me off and my makeup will be ruined.” I said softly and she chuckled.

“Let’s go honey.” She replied.

I walked down the stairs to the living room where everyone was waiting. Maame and Lilianna grinned at me.

“Luca’s in for a treat today.” Maame remarked and Lili nodded in agreement which made me smile.

I gave them both a quick hug and turned to look at everyone in the room. All of the bridesmaids were in purple dresses because purple is the best colour in the world. I smiled at how cute Luca’s little cousins were.

“You guys are going to be amazing flower girls.” I told them smiling and they gave me toothy grins.

My dad and brother came through the door.

“Is everyone ready?”  My dad asked looking around the room and then his gaze landed on me.

My usually stoic father gave me a warm smile. “You look beautiful Naomi.” He whispered.

“Thank you daddy.” I replied before giving him a peck on the cheek.

“Let’s get this show on the road!” My brother announced cheerfully and I raised an eyebrow.

“Why are you so enthusiastic?”  I enquired.

“My little sister is getting married. Of course I’m going to be happy. I’m not too pleased that you’re getting married before me though.” He said grinning.

“Well if you had proposed to Eva when I told you to, you wouldn’t have this problem.” I teased.

“That’s not fair. Her father was ill at the time; it was really bad timing.” He replied frowning.

“Her dad is fine now and yet you still haven’t proposed. Just hurry up and do it.” I told him.

“Enough about me. It’s all about you today.” He said trying to change the subject.

“You know I’m right.” I sang before turning towards the car.

I started to get really nervous when I was in the car. I know I shouldn’t have these feelings; we didn’t have a choice in this marriage so it’s not like Luca would ditch me but I couldn’t get rid of the butterflies in my stomach. My dad seemed to realise my unease and squeezed my hand.

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