Well... This Is Awkward (15)

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“Luca.” Someone called but I ignored them.

“Come on.” They persisted.

“Go away.” I grumbled and the person giggled.

“Come on Luca. We have to go.” Naomi said right next to my ear.

I opened my eyes and saw that I had fallen asleep at my desk and that I had drooled all over my sheets of paper.

“Gross.” I commented sitting up and wiping my mouth.

“Hurry up Luca!” Naomi called from downstairs and I groaned yet again before stumbling into the bathroom.

“I smell bacon.” I commented smiling as I walked into the kitchen.

“Good that means your nose is working.” She replied shaking her head.

“How come you’re up anyway?” I asked her.

“To go to work obviously.” She told me.

“Did I not tell you? It’s your day off today.” I said taking a sip of coffee.

“What are you talking about Luca?” She enquired.

“You’re working way too hard so I got you a day off today.” I answered whilst digging into my bacon and eggs.

“Mmm this is really good. Thanks.” I added.

“I’ve got so much work to do Luca. How could you do this?” She demanded exasperated.

I didn’t reply and finished my breakfast.

“I’m waiting Luca.” She growled and I smiled while I gulped down my coffee.

“I did it because I’m worried about you. Now could you just relax today, for me?” I pleaded looking into her eyes.

She sighed but nodded. I kissed her on the forehead and smiled.

 “See you later cucciola mia.” I told her before walking out.

“Where have you been?” Maame asked.

“Asleep.” I replied.

“Late night?” She enquired wiggling her eyebrows suggestively and I chuckled.

“We have to get down to work now if you’re going to be done by noon.” I told her.

We started to put all of the pieces of the presentation for Mrs Whilla, the annoying client, together. We went through every bit in detail and checked that everything was in line with what she’d requested in the email and our budget. We would give a presentation to Naomi first but we really didn’t want to present it and then change anything as it was so time consuming.

“I think we’re done.” Maame announced.

“And not a minute too soon. You need to get going Maame.” I told her.

“Everything has been reserved and paid for right?” She asked.

“Do you doubt me?” I asked in reply.

“Yes.” She answered grinning.

“Just get out of here.” I told her.

“Aye-aye captain! See you later.” She replied before rushing out.

There was a reason why I had fallen asleep on the desk. Apart from continuing to plan the presentation for Mrs Whilla and doing my other work, I also booked a spa day for Naomi, Maame and a few of their friends. It wasn’t hard booking it as one of my old friends Vincent owned several spa institutes around the world. He wasn’t pleased when I had called him. To be fair, it was two in the morning and nowhere near to the weekend.

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