Well... This Is Awkward (1)

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I drove past the new building that they had built in the city centre. It was really big and I couldn’t help but wonder what it was being used for.

It didn’t look like it was apartments so it must be a new business or something. Maybe a new business has popped up like my parents’ did all those years ago.

I pulled into my parents’ driveway and turned off the engine. I couldn’t help but sigh, I had finished uni a few months ago but instead of getting my own apartment, my parents had insisted that I move back in with them. I didn’t really want to but I didn’t have the money to pay for an apartment and pay back my loans.

“Honey, you need to get ready! Where did you go so early?” My mum asked as soon as I walked in through the door.

“I went for a quick drive to clear my head.” I told her.

“Have you eaten breakfast?” She enquired as I tried to move past her.

“I don’t have breakfast this early.” I replied.

I know that if I have breakfast at seven in the morning, I’ll end up feeling hungry again by ten so it was just pointless.

“Well today it’s very important. You’ve got a long day ahead of you.” She told me and shepherded me into the kitchen.

“I’ll make it for you. Just sit down and relax.” She ordered and I sat down at the table yawning.

She plopped my plate of food down in my front of me. She was beaming down at me and I felt the corners of my mouth tug into a wide smile.

“Where is your brother?” She wondered aloud.

“Probably sleeping like every other normal person.” I grumbled.

“Your father is asleep as well. Men are so hopeless aren’t they?” She commented shaking her head.

I really want to sleep too. I couldn’t sleep last night; there were too many things on my mind. One thought that kept recurring was the future; what would happen after this day? A lot of things were about to change.

 I started to eat my food even though I wasn’t hungry in the least. Once I finished, I walked upstairs to have another shower. I needed to wake up properly; apparently the coffee I had earlier on wasn’t doing anything. I thoroughly brushed my teeth; there were going to be pictures today and I didn’t them to show up any coffee or food stains. I got dressed and put my make up on before heading downstairs.

I walked into the living room where my mum was doing up my dad’s tie. They looked in my direction and stopped moving. My mum’s eyes started to fill up and my dad had a watery smile on his face.

“You look beautiful Naomi.” My mum whispered and I smiled at them.

“Who would have thought that this day would ever come?” My dad commented and my smile vanished.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I demanded.

“Oh come on honey, we didn’t know if you would even go to uni let alone graduate.” My mum chimed in.

“I always planned to go to uni.” I told them.

“To study photography. Something that wouldn’t be able to support you.” My dad finished shaking his head.

I was about to explode when an arm fell around my shoulder.

“Guys this is supposed to be a happy day for Naomi. Do not ruin this by starting this again.” My brother Kevin told our parents and they went back to what they were doing before.

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