Well... This Is Awkward (2)

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I couldn’t believe my parents were dragging me along to a stupid business dinner. I had no interest whatsoever of doing anything like this tonight. I had a great plan for tonight. Go to a club, get smashed, pick up another girl and have some more back at her place and then leaving after she falls asleep. Now those plans are ruined. They’re spoiling my routine.

I hadn’t been out in a while; I’ve been so caught up with work and trying out some new designs to even have fun. It’s been about three months since I picked a girl up at a club. I do make sure to make use of the delivery girls that come by the office though but it’s just not the same thing. My parents just had to ruin my night.

They didn’t even bother to tell me who it was; they just told me they were important new partners that will shape the future of the company. I still don’t get why I had to tag along but at least I was getting a free dinner. It seemed like the restaurant was very packed and that annoyed me because too many people were invading my personal space as we entered.

Luckily, many people moved and I followed my parents as they walked forward. Then I saw her. She was staring at me with wide eyes and I inwardly smiled. She really couldn’t help staring when it came to me. I remember the first day I met her, she was staring for ages. She’d changed a lot; she was slim now and looked like a woman. She’d also got rid of the glasses. I thought we would walk straight past their table but instead, my parents went to shake her parents’ hands. What the fuck?

“What’s going on here?” I asked.

“We’re having dinner son. We told you that before.” My father replied.

“Yeah but with the Williams? Aren’t we rivals?” I enquired.

“Haven’t you read the newspaper today?” Naomi asked.

I looked at her with a puzzled face and she rolled her eyes.

“Our families are somehow putting the past behind them and that’s why we’re having dinner.” She explained clearly irritated. I sat down quickly and waited for someone to start explaining something.

“Let’s order something before we talk. I’m starving.” My father said breaking the silence with a smile.

There were murmurs of agreement from the adults while I could see Naomi looking frustrated. The girl sitting next to her whispered something in Naomi’s ear and she seemed to calm down a bit. When the waiter came, I absentmindedly ordered something. I was too busy staring at Naomi.

There was no way I could call her piggy anymore. She had lost all of her chub and grown her hair long. Every detail of her face was entrancing; from her big brown eyes to her full, luscious lips that seemed to be calling out to me. I wouldn’t mind having a bit of fun with her for a night but from the way she talked to me before, if I offered; I would get rejected straightaway. She seemed to have more of a backbone now. Before, she would just ignore me whenever I teased her which was no fun. I can’t wait to see the reaction she has when I start that up again.

The adults were making meaningless small talk and I started to get a bit concerned. What did they need to tell? What was that bad that they needed to deviate so much? I dreaded what they would say to us and from the look on Naomi’s face; she was thinking the exact same thing. When we finished our dinner, I had gone through every possibility. I was certain that one of my thoughts would be the topic of discussion. I was wrong; there was no way I could expect the word’s coming out of my father’s mouth.

“We have been rivals for many years as you know and have decided that it all needs to end. There should be some sort of peace offering so we’re going to join companies.” My father told us

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