Well... This Is Awkward (17)

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I trudged up to my office with a frown on my face. It was Isabella’s first day at our company and Naomi had completely bitched me out in the morning. It would be weird without Felicia there. I didn’t want to have to explain my routine to another person. It wasn’t just Naomi who wasn’t really looking forward to this day. I walked into my office and was surprised to see Isabella in my seat.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I asked.

“Sorry, I got tired of standing around waiting for you to arrive so I sat down.” She explained.

“Why didn’t you sit in the other chair?” I asked her.

“Your chair is much more comfy.” She told me smirking.

“Don’t you think you should be at your desk?” I enquired with a raised brow.

“I’m going but I just wanted to apologise if I do anything wrong. I hope we can work well together.” She told me and I nodded before she walked out. I got down to work immediately.

At eleven o’clock, Isabella came in with my usual coffee. I took a sip and raised my brows.

“I asked Felicia a few things.” She told me grinning.

“Well thanks I guess.” I replied. She grinned at me and then walked back to her desk.

At the end of lunch break, I got a buzz on the intercom from Isabella.

“There’s a woman who wants to speak to you. She says her name is Ms Peprah.” She said.

Who the fuck is that?  

“Send her in.” I told her and then Maame walked into my office.

Wow I’ve known her for this long and I still don’t know her last name. Better keep that to myself.

“So who’s the hoe?” She asked and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“My new personal assistant is called Isabella.” I told her.

“Isabella? The hoe from Italy?” Maame asked.

“Stop calling people hoes.” I scolded her smiling.

“Well I know why Naomi’s in such a bad mood today.” She muttered.

“Why are you here again?” I enquired.

“The presentation?” She replied.

“I completely forgot.” I told her trying to find my stuff.

It had to be the day that Naomi was in a really bad mood that we had to present the ideas to her. Everything that was said, she’d ask whose idea it was and if it was mine, she would say that it was crap. It was really annoying. When we’d finished, she told me to stay behind.

“Drop by my office on your way back. I want all the details.” She told me smirking and I glared at her.

“What do you need cucciola mia?” I asked smiling warily.

She didn’t answer me and kissed me. She started to undo my buttons and I pulled away from the kiss.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Don’t worry, I’m just making sure she knows who you belong to.” Naomi replied.

I was about to ask another question when she started sucking on my neck and I couldn’t help but moan. She placed another kiss on my lips and then grinned.

“You can go now tesoro.” She purred.

“Cucciola mia.” I groaned.

“We can’t have you slacking off work now. Hurry up and get going.” She remarked grinning.

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