Well... This Is Awkward (23)

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A lot changed within a month. I was busier than I’d ever been in my life. I could say that I was almost as busy as Naomi was. Almost. I had to give Isabella a lot of work to do for me at the company which I felt slightly bad about especially as it was coming up to her birthday but it had to be done otherwise I wouldn’t meet Francis’ deadline. It was a bit frustrating because I couldn’t spend as much time with Naomi and my friends as I would like. I guess it would all be worth it in the end.

One afternoon in the office, Isabella and I were working through our lunch break and talking about what she was going to do for her birthday.

“I don’t know if I really want to do anything to be honest.” She told me.

“Why not?” I asked without looking up from the design I was studying.

“I don’t know if there’s a point.” She admitted.

“Of course there is. It’s your birthday so you should celebrate.” I told her.

“So if I threw a party, would you come?” She enquired.

“Yeah sure. Why not?” I shrugged.

“Do you think that Naomi would as well?” She pressed on.

“Well you would have to ask her but she probably would. I mean you guys made up right?” I replied.

“Yeah that’s true.” She admitted.

Now I know what you’re all thinking. When the hell did Isabella and Naomi make up right? Well let me rewind back to that day for you. It was so weird. It was a few days after I had got the gig with Francis. We were in the office and Naomi had called Isabella and I into her office to go over some work that needed to be done and the shift in responsibilities for Isabella. After Naomi had explained everything, I was going to leave when Isabella stopped me.

“I actually need to speak to both of you. Could you guys spare a minute?” She told us.

“Well you’re here already so go on.” Naomi waved at her impatiently.

“I’d just like to apologise to both of you for my selfish and childish behaviour over the past few months.” She told us sincerely.

“I’d also like to say sorry for threatening you that other time.” She added to Naomi.

She threatened Naomi? Why the fuck wasn’t I told?

“That’s been long forgotten.” Naomi replied.

“Even so, it was completely unnecessary. If you could forgive me, I would like us to be friends.” She said softly to Naomi.

“Isabella I forgave you ages ago. I’m over it.” Naomi told her.

“Really?” I blurted out.

“Yeah she was only acting that way because she really likes you. It’s understandable.” She replied shrugging.

“Can we try and be friends then?” Isabella enquired.

“Sure whatever just hurry and get back to work.” Naomi told her smirking.

“Yes boss.” Isabella replied grinning before walking out of the office. I shook my head smiling at Naomi.

“I know I’m amazing. Now get back to work.” She told me grinning.

From that day, Isabella and Naomi have been getting closer and going to lunches together. Even Maame had warmed up to her though she claims that she didn’t mind her in the first place. I was especially pleased because I didn’t want to stop being friends with Isabella but if Naomi had asked, I would have without question. It was better this way. Well anyway, back to present.

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