Well... This Is Awkward (12)

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We had arrived in the middle of the afternoon. We went to different art galleries and Luca surprised me with his interest in them. I knew he had a secret; it wouldn’t be long before I finally figured it out. It was truly a perfect day; the weather was amazing and Luca was enthusiastic and attentive. Being in Italy clearly agreed with him. It all was ruined when we went to his grandma’s house. She had a villa which was so beautiful that I felt like I ought to pay for my stay.

We walked into the house and as soon as we got inside the living room, Luca’s face lit up. He ran up to his grandma and gave her a big hug which she returned happily.

“How are you?” Luca asked.

“I’m feeling so much better now that you’ve finally decided to visit me.” She replied.

“I’m sorry Nonna, I’ve been pretty busy.” Luca apologised.

She glanced at me and then back to Luca.

“I heard.” She replied with a frown on her face.

It was not looking good for me. I tried to put on a warm smile on my face to be polite but it seemed like my attempts were fruitless.

“So you got married then?” She asked Luca in Italian.

“It’s hard to believe but yes, I’m a married man now.” He replied smiling sheepishly.

“Why?” She asked.

“What do you mean Nonna?” He enquired.

“Why have you let your father sell you off to this whore? You could have married Liliana or Isabella or any of the other girls that you know!” She cried out.

“I don’t love those two, you know that.” He told her.

“Well you certainly don’t love this whore but you still married her!” She yelled furiously.

“Nonna, you know why I married her. Stop making things difficult.” He replied frowning deeply.

I watched those two and as they continued to argue in Italian, I got more and more annoyed.

“I’ll just go and stay in the hotel in town if my being here is causing so much problems.” I addressed the two of them in the same language.

Annalisa gasped as she realised that I could understand everything that she’d said and flushed deeply.

“You’re staying here.” Luca growled.

“Your grandma doesn’t want me in this house so I’ll leave.” I said shrugging easily.

I needed to get out of there before I throttled Luca for being so oblivious to my feelings.

“No.” He told me.

“It’s not your choice.” I replied before turning to walk out but Luca grabbed my arm.

“You’re not going anywhere.” He ordered.

“Bloody hell, just let me go.” I told him getting seriously frustrated.

“You two can stay in Luca’s old room.” His grandma told us before leaving the room.

Luca smiled triumphantly and pulled me up to his room. Woah, this guy is seriously loaded. The room was like a hotel suite.

“I guess I’ll sleep here for tonight. Goodnight.” I said gesturing to the sofa.

“There’s a perfectly good bed over there you know.” He said smirking.

“Oh yeah, I realised.” I replied and his smirk vanished.

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