Well... This Is Awkward (13)

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That was the most awkward lunch ever. It consisted with me trying to make conversation that included everyone and Isabella turning everything I said into a reminiscent memory. Every time Isabella would laugh, I saw Naomi twitch. After a while, even Nonna was getting annoyed and kept on cutting her off. I had no idea that anything like this would happen. I went to Isabella’s house in the morning because Nonna wanted me out of the house so that she could apologise to Naomi. When I arrived, I was pretty shocked. Going through puberty definitely agreed with Isabella. Before, she was an awkward child with braces who constantly had her hair up in ponytails. She had really matured since the last time I saw her.

It’s such a shame that I’m married. Well technically, it’s not like it’s really an exclusive relationship so I shouldn’t feel bad if something happened. Those were the thoughts that were running through my head all morning right up until Naomi came into the room. Then I came crashing back to reality. This girl that I spent years tormenting was now my wife. I couldn’t hurt her again like that. It just wasn’t fair. She didn’t look too bothered when she met Isabella and even when Isabella implied there was something deeper with our relationship, she didn’t look fazed. It was odd.

I walked up to our room after I saw Isabella out of the house after lunch. She had work to do and I think if she didn’t leave, someone would have thrown something at her head. I was most surprised at Nonna though. She used to really love Isabella. She and Naomi must have had some amazing conversation for her to change alliances. I’m not really surprised though. Naomi has some sort of lovable personality that brings out the best in everybody. This was why I didn’t want to do anything to hurt her if that was possible.

Naomi was lying back on the bed staring at the ceiling. She glanced over at me in the doorway and then turned back to the ceiling. I still need to apologise to her.

“Cucciola mia, I’m sorry for not sticking up for you. I shouldn’t have let Nonna speak about you like you were nothing. You are a wonderful person and I should have been the one to tell her that she was wrong.” I told her.

There was no reply and I sighed. I walked across to the sofa and flopped down onto it.

“I can take the sofa tonight if you want.” I told her.

“You’re forgiven.” She whispered.

“Really?” I asked turning around surprised.

“Would you rather me being angry at you?” She asked with a small smirk.

“I’m good.” I replied smiling.

“Can we go to the beach?” Naomi asked shyly.

“Of course.” I replied smiling.

The beach was basically the backyard. This was why I loved coming back to Italy. It’s just so beautiful. On the beach, Naomi picked a spot right in the sun.

“Are you trying to tan?” I asked incredulous.

“So because I’m black I can’t tan?” She asked frowning.

“That’s not... what I meant was...”

I couldn’t believe it had sounded like that. I wasn’t racist. She burst out laughing and I smiled with utter bemusement.

“I’m fucking with you Luca. You need to lighten up.” She told me grinning wickedly.

“That was mean.” I replied pouting.

“You’ll get over it cara.” She replied and I grinned.

After like half an hour of sitting in the sun, she got up.

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