Well... This Is Awkward (22)

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“So what is this surprise then?” I asked him as soon as we got into the house.

“Woah calm down. At least let me get comfortable before you attack me.” He replied.

“It’s been distracting me all day. Don’t make me wait any longer Luca.” I growled.

“Alright let’s go.” He beckoned for me to follow him.

We walked up the stairs until we reached the door of the broom cupboard. He opened the door and then led me down a passageway. I gasped when we reached the end.

“I know they’re not amazing but some of my best work is in here.” Luca told me. 

"What are you talking about? These are brilliant!” I exclaimed looking in wonder at the paintings that adorned the wall.

“You don’t have to over exaggerate. They’re not that great.” He mumbled and I placed a finger on his lips.

“You need to stop being so modest.” I retorted.

I continued to look around at the beautiful art pieces all over the room.

“So why didn’t you do something with this talent?” I enquired.

“The same reason that you didn’t with yours.” He replied shrugging.

“You can’t hide this from the world!” I exclaimed with conviction and he rolled his eyes.

“And I thought that Nino was overdramatic.”He muttered shaking his head.

“What’s this?” I asked as I spotted something sticking out behind a stool.

“Oh don’t look at that!” He exclaimed but I had already seen it. I was looking at an incredibly accurate portrait of me.

“This is amazing Luca.” I whispered.

“That has been my best work so far.” He told me looking straight into my eyes.

“I feel so privileged.” I replied seriously.

“Good.” He commented.

“Luca you really need to put these into an exhibition or something.” I told him.

“You know I can’t.” He groaned.

“No you just won’t. What are you so afraid of?” I asked.

“I’m not good enough.” He said softly.

“Who told you that? Your parents?” I demanded furious but he remained silent.

“Okay whatever.” I said after a long silence.

I ran to our bedroom and got my camera. When I got back inside the room, I took pictures of what I thought were Luca’s best pieces including my portrait (please don’t judge me).

“What are you doing?” He enquired with a frown on his face but I didn’t answer.

I went into my old room and slammed the door.

I quickly set up my camera with my laptop. I sent my portrait to Carlo for him to judge. He has an artist’s eye. He must have been checking his emails because he sent me a quick reply.

Carlo: That’s really good. Who did it for you?

Me: my husband.

Carlo: Wow he’s really good.

Me: He really is but he hasn’t had any opportunities to showcase his work.

Carlo: if you want, I can put in a good word for him with my friend in London. He would obviously have to show him a portfolio of his work but if the quality’s as good as the one you sent me, his work should be put in an exhibit.

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