Well... This Is Awkward (6)

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What does she mean ‘we need to talk’? This is real bad. Whenever someone says those four words in movies, some next bad shit goes down and the people normally break up. Wait, does it count for me? We’re not actually going out but technically we are engaged.

Maybe she would ask that we didn’t talk unless it was necessary. That would suck; she really amused me with her reactions. I need to distract her from whatever she was going to say.

The guy at the counter handed me my coffee and I took a sip. The caffeine helped speed up my brain but not my common sense. I instantly said the first thing that popped into my head and that was not the kindest choice of words. Cue knee jerk arsehole reaction.

“Listen babe, I’m a busy guy. I have a lot of honeys to see and not a lot of time. Unless you need to speak about your new found attraction to me, I’m really busy at the moment.” I told her smirking.

Her eyes hardened and her mouth set in a tight line.

“No thanks; in a relationship, I prefer it when I can keep my clothes on and the relationship still goes on.” She replied.

“Shame; they’d look so good on my bedroom floor.” I told her grinning.

She shook her head with a look of pure disgust on her face. I’m sorry Nay but I can’t have this thing between us ending too quickly.

She pulled a napkin off the counter and seemed to produce a pen from thin air. She started to scribble down something on it. I watched her with mild curiosity; she was definitely a mystery.

“Here.” She said holding it out to me.

I took it and saw that she’d written down her number on it.

“Call me when you decide to grow up okay?” She told me before walking out of the shop.

She turned back and smirked at me.

“Preferably before next week. I hope you can manage that, sweet cheeks.” She commented before winking and getting into her car.

Any normal girl would have just put their number in my phone but not Naomi. That’s what made her so enticing to me; she was different than any other girl that I’ve known.

I walked to my own car and drove home. I wanted to sleep but there was no way after drinking the coffee. My actions really didn’t make sense. Why I even decided to get coffee is beyond me. I sat down on my sofa and looked around the room. My phone vibrated and I dreaded picking it up.

There were only a few possibilities and neither would be bearing good news. It could be my father asking me back into the office which would stress me into a mental breakdown. Or it could be Maame telling me that I’ve broken her heart.

It was the latter but she didn’t say what I’d thought she would. ‘If you really want to be with her you need to stop being an arsehole. You’ll never be able to tap that at the rate you’re going at.’

Why did I say any of that? I’m going to be married to her; I should at least try to get along with her. I’m such an idiot.

I ran a hand through my hair and pulled my phone out. I scrolled through the names on my contact list. I had quite a few friends but nobody would really be able to understand my dilemma. Most of my friends would tell me to forget about it; they would think Naomi was just a girl. They wouldn’t get it.

Why does Antonino have to be in the US at the moment? Damn my father for sending him away for business at such an important time of my life.

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