Well... This Is Awkward Extra (2)

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How Naomi felt the day after she had left Luca


I woke up feeling hollow. My eyes were red from all of the tears and my throat was sore. I robotically trudged to the bathroom to take a shower. Under the warm spray of water, I felt cold and detached. I know it was my decision to leave Luca but that didn’t mean it was easy. I quickly brushed my teeth and got changed before going downstairs to have breakfast.

It was time to speak to Nonna. Even if I had stayed in my bedroom all day, I know she would’ve found a way to make me talk so I might as well just get it out on my own. She was in the kitchen like I knew she would be and she smiled as I walked into the room before turning to get the milk out of the fridge. She placed a plate with bread with and slices of ham in front of me before handing me a coffee. I ate and smiled at her once I’d finished.

“Grazie.” I told her.

“Now tell me what happened.”

I launched into the story of me getting home to find nobody and finding the picture of him and Isabella and how I left. She didn’t interrupt and kept a neutral facial expression on. When I finished the story, I let out a massive sigh. It felt good to finally tell someone. Nonna still didn’t say anything.

“I’m sorry if this is troubling you. I know Luca’s your grandson but I needed to get away and you were the first person I thought of but I can find somewhere else to stay.” I babbled to break the silence.

“Does Luca know you’re pregnant?” She asked ignoring what I’d just said.

“No. I will tell him but I need space and I’m sure he needs time to tell Isabella about his feelings.” I replied.

“Did Luca tell you himself that he loves Isabella?” She enquired.

“No but I’m positive that he does.” I told her.

“You will stay here until Luca comes to get you.” She told me getting up.

“Until he comes? Nonna, you can’t tell him that I’m here. Promise me that you won’t.” I pleaded.

“I won’t but that doesn’t mean he won’t come.” She replied.

“He doesn’t know where I am. I made his dad promise me that he wouldn’t tell Luca.” I pointed out.

“If Luca wants to find you, he will and trust me, he definitely wants to. Just have a think about that.” She told me before walking away.

I sat back down and thought about what she’d said. Maybe I should have just spoken to Luca and told him face to face that I knew how he felt about Isabella. Did I make him worry by taking off like that? I left because I didn’t want him to feel guilty anymore but maybe it had the opposite effect.

Should I go back?

Well that wasn’t happening. Whether or not my departure had made Luca feel bad, he would probably get over it. I needed to stay strong. Although I was in love with him, I had to let him go for his own good. We will always have a connection because of the life in my stomach.

I rubbed my tummy absentmindedly and smiled. Although, being away from Luca for a long time was going to be hell, I knew that I would make it through because I have to look after this baby as best as I can.

New dilemma; how the hell am I gonna tell him that I'm pregnant with his child when he’s trying to build a life with his one true love? Talk about awkward.

The more I thought about it, the further I got from finding an answer. I needed advice. If I was back home, I would’ve driven over to Maame’s house and asked but there was no way I could do that now. I didn’t want to talk to her about this until I had everything figured out because I knew it would put her in an awkward position; she was really close to both me and Luca and I didn’t want her to side with me just because I’m her family.

I felt so much more isolated than before. To be fair, it was my fault; I had upped and left without telling anyone anything but I needed time to myself and time to think. Now that I’m thinking though, I feel like I’ve made a terrible mistake.

Snap out of itI You made this decision. Time to deal with it.

I started on the work that Luca’s dad had sent me. I may have left everything I love behind but the one thing that I hated, my workload, is still around and at this moment, it was the only thing keeping me sane. I worked until I heard a knock at my door. I looked at my watch and saw that it was past one in the afternoon. Nonna popped her head around the door.

“Lunch is ready.” She told me.

“I’m not really hungry.” I admitted.

“You need to eat.” She insisted and I sighed.

She was right of course. I wasn’t eating for one anymore and I needed to take better care of myself. I got up and followed her downstairs. I sat down and enjoyed lunch with Nonna. It was a nice break from all the work but soon I was back upstairs finishing what I’d started. I went on my laptop and sent the work to Mr Amoroso directly instead of Gia because I was worried that Luca would be hanging out and trying to trace my location from the emails.

I sighed in relief once I’d sent the email because I was finished for the day. I received a confirmation email but was surprised to see a request for a video call from Mr Amoroso. I answered nonetheless; I knew that Luca wouldn’t be around, it didn’t seem like Mr Amoroso would break his promise and he is still technically my boss.

“Naomi. I trust you are keeping well.” He greeted.

“Yes sir.” I replied.

“Luca’s in a terrible mood. Are you sure you’re doing the right thing?” He enquired.

“I'm sure. With all due respect sir, even if I wasn’t, it’s still my decision and there’s nothing you can do to change it. If there was nothing else, then I’d like to rest.” I replied.

“Yes of course. Take good care of my grandchild.” He told me smirking and then ended the call.

“Of course he knows.” I muttered shaking my head.

I sat down on my bed and sighed.

How long has it been since I took a nap?

I lay down and pulled the covers over me and sighed.

Way too long.

“Luca.” I whispered before closing my eyes.

Will I ever get over Luca? Not likely.

Even though he loves Isabella? Nope.

Well... This is Awkward.


This is officially goodbye to WTIA! You guys have been amazing and I hope you enjoyed the two extra chapters!

Nana :)

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