Well... This Is Awkward Extra (1)

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This is showing how Luca felt when Naomi was gone. Hope you enjoy!


“You really need to stop this Luca. She’s not coming back.” Isabella remarked softly.

I glanced up and glared at my personal assistant before bringing my attention back to his computer. She had been pissing me off all morning with her negativity. I was going to get Naomi back if it was the last thing I did. Isabella sighed and walked out of my office closing the door behind her. I inwardly cheered because I couldn’t stand the sight of her; I just instantly thought about everything Isabella had done that had caused problems for mine and Naomi’s relationship.

My door opened and I was ready to snap at Isabella but it was Maame who stood in my office. I sighed heavily because although Maame is my friend, I didn’t really want to see her either. All I wanted was Naomi and she was the one person I couldn’t find; it was so infuriating.

“When was the last time you slept Luca?” She asked and I rolled my eyes.

“Let’s not do this.” I muttered and then looked through a bunch of sketches I’d done for a new done.

“No seriously because it’s clearly affecting you.” Maame told me.

“How so?” I enquired.

“Have you seen how crap your sketches have been recently? It’s pathetic. Naomi told me that you had the ability to excite people with the simplest sketch.” She began and then picked one of my recent ones. “This doesn’t excite me at all! I know you’re going through a lot but you can’t let it affect your work.” She finished softly.

“You don’t understand how I feel.” I grumbled.

“Don’t you dare, Luca! You’re not the only fucking one who misses her you know. How do you think I feel knowing that my cousin couldn’t confide in me with her problems and had to go god knows where for I don’t know how long because she was so upset! You don’t think that my uncle is worried about where she is and whether she’s safe? You don’t see us fucking about do you? This world doesn’t revolve around you Luca, grow up! If her being gone is affecting you so much, then do something about it!” She yelled swiping at her tears angrily.

“But what can I do?” I asked.

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Just hurry up okay? I miss my cousin.” She told me before leaving me alone in my office to think.

It’s safe to say that I didn’t get any more work done that day. Before I called it a day, my father called me into his office. I was already annoyed at him for not telling where Naomi was and I didn’t want him telling me how my work was crap yet again. It was just so exhausting.

“Luca, you don’t look so well.” He remarked as I walked into his office.

“Really? That’s strange; I feel like I'm walking on fucking cloud nine.” I growled sarcastically in reply.

He looked like he was about to make a comment but then thought better of it. He gestured for me to sit down instead. Huh, that’s a first. I eyed my father warily before taking a seat.

“You need to sleep Luca.” My father told me.

“It’s a little hard to.” I replied.

“It’s been a week Luca” My father began

“Did you think I would be over it by now?” I asked incredulous.

“That wasn’t what I was going to say Luca. I was merely going to state that if you continue like this you’re going to make yourself ill.” He told me.

“Since when did you care?” I muttered darkly.

“Luca, I know I’m not your favourite person in the world and I do admit that I have been hard on you but I do love you and you need to realise that you getting ill isn’t in your best interest.” My father replied.

“Are you threatening to fire me or something?” I enquired with a raised brow.

“I just mean that you won’t be able to focus on finding Naomi if you’re ill.” My father told me.

“Why do you care so much about me finding Naomi? The public think she’s on a business trip so the company still looks good. What’s in it for you?” I asked.

“I care because she makes you happy son. I know how much you love her.” My father replied softly.

 “If you know then why won’t you help me?” I demanded desperately.

My father looked at me and I saw on his face a mixture of regret and pity. I know I had reached my breaking point. I was just so frustrated with everything. With Naomi leaving me. With my father’s lack of confidence. With how helpless I felt. I just wanted things to be back to normal. I wanted to hold Naomi in my arms and never let her go.

My father walked over slowly and put a hand on my shoulder. A small gesture that normally doesn’t mean much but in this situation, I know it’s the equivalent of him giving me a hug.

“There are some things that a man must do on his own. Trust me son, I’m doing this so you won’t have any regrets later on in life. So that when you look back, you can feel proud that you found the love of your life and brought her back home by yourself.” He told me before walking out of my office.

I watched him leave and stared at the open doorway for ages until I realised that I needed to get my act together. I wasn’t doing anything that was useful. I quickly got up and went to my desk. I picked up a blank piece of paper and began to do the sketch for the advert that I was having so much trouble with before. I finished and then got some of my paperwork done. I took my sketch and walked to Maame’s office. I handed the sketch to her.

“Does this excite you?” I asked her.

“I’ve seen better.” She replied with a smirk and I chuckled.

“I’m sure you have.” I replied before picking up the sketch and turning to leave.

“Where are you going?” She enquired.

“To give this in and to ask for the afternoon off.” I replied glancing back and she grinned in approval.

The rest of the day was spent with me calling my different contacts in the UK and asking for them to keep a lookout. Even though it was most likely that she’d left England, she may not have left the UK. I didn’t really want to think about if she’d left Europe; that would make finding her take so much longer.

That night when I went to bed, I felt like I could sleep easy because I knew that no matter how many days it took, I was going to find Naomi and I was bringing her back home.

“Cucciola mia, I’m coming for you.” I whispered before falling asleep.

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