Well... This Is Awkward (10)

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“Which one should we choose?” Naomi asked me.

“I have no idea.” I replied staring ahead of me, completely mesmerized.

“You have to make the decision!” She snapped.

“I can’t choose between them. They’re all so sexy.” I whined.

“I don’t have time for this.” She muttered rolling her eyes. I looked at the many contestants in front of us.

“Well we’re in a pickle right now.” I commented.

“We wouldn’t be if you just did the dip!”  She snapped looking annoyed.

“You would actually be so cruel as to choose in that manner?” I gasped and she stepped forward shaking her head.

“You’re going to choose one or I’m going to.” She threatened.

“I can’t do it.” I choked.

“The grass is green; the sky is blue, everybody’s out except for you.” She sang moving her hand between each contestant with each word.

Her hand landed on one but I didn’t want it so I shook my head. She growled in frustration.

“Should I do another dip or will you choose?” She enquired.

“Don’t hurt their feelings! I’ll choose one.” I exclaimed.

“Why are you being an annoying prick today? They’re just cars.” Naomi asked.

“Just cars?” I repeated outraged.

“Hurry the hell up and choose a car!” She yelled.

I ended up choosing a Ferrari. Well I tried but Naomi wasn’t having any of it. I wore a big smile on my face as I pointed at the red beauty. However when I turned towards Naomi, she didn’t seem to share my excitement. She was looking at me with a raised eyebrow as if to say ‘are you stupid’. I tried to smile more enthusiastically but it was pointless.

“You’re actually being serious?” She enquired and I nodded solemnly.

“I will tell you right now that if you buy this car, I will leave you.”  She told me seriously and I winced while the salesman chuckled. 

“What’s wrong with it?” I asked incredulous.

“You want to drive me around in a bright red sports car? Are you freaking kidding me?”  She replied.

“There is bright yellow as well.” I suggested hopefully but she simply glared at me.

I guess there is no hope then.

I couldn’t believe she was shattering my dreams and that was obviously reflected on my face because she sighed.

“I did say that you could choose any car and I’m sorry but I wouldn’t feel comfortable in that car. I wouldn’t mind any other car just not that one.” She reasoned. “Alright then.” I replied reluctantly. Remember what mum told you; marriage is all about compromise!

“I can’t believe I’ve missed the chance to get a Ferrari.” I grumbled as I signed the contract with the dealer.

“How the hell did we get stuck in this situation in the first place?” Naomi grumbled along with me.

How indeed.

It all started a few days ago. It’s been a few weeks since the launch party and we’ve got into our routines at work. Apparently, according to the paparazzi, we are ‘clearly’ having problems because we were taking two separate cars to work. Our parents weren’t too pleased when they heard about that and forced us to go and buy. So here we are… missing possibly our only chance to get a Ferrari. 

Well... This Is AwkwardOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant