Well... This Is Awkward (8)

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I squeezed very hard onto my pillow as I felt myself waking up slightly. I tried to get back to sleep and snuggled up very close to my pillow until I heard a groan.

What the fuck?

I was awake but I didn’t want to open my eyes and find a random girl that I’d brought home after getting completely smashed in the club. I ran my hands up the body as if I could identify who the person was just by the shape of their body. I received a quick blow to my groin and I rolled off the bed onto the floor groaning in pain.

I opened my eyes to find the livid face of Naomi looming over me.

“Don’t pretend you’re asleep and then try to feel me up, bloody perv.” She told me before stepping over me and stalking into the bathroom.

I sat up as the pain subsided and tried to remember the night before. I remembered Maame leaving and drinking but after that, I had no recollection.

Maybe I passed out in the club and she had to drag me into the car. Why she decided to sleep in my bed is beyond me but I wouldn’t mind waking up to her pretty face in the morning every day.

She walked out of the bathroom and I took a good look at what she was wearing and realised she still had the outfit from last night on.

“What exactly happened last night?” I enquired.

“You don’t remember?” She asked and I shook my head.

“I have something to hold over you know. This is going to be fun.” She replied smirking before walking out of the bedroom.

“Where are you going?” I called after her.

“I’m going to get my stuff. I’m moving in today remember?” She replied before going down the stairs.

I flopped back on the bed when I heard the door shut.

She came back an hour later with two suitcases.

“Where do I sleep?” She asked as soon as she came in.

“Well I think you did a great job of warming the other side of my bed so right next to me cucciola mia.” I replied smirking.

She looked as if she was debating on saying something but decided not to.

“Are you going to show me my room any time soon caro?” She asked.

“You have the privilege of being right across the hall from me. If you need anything and even if you’re scared of being alone in the dark.” I told her teasingly but I was slightly serious.

“More like the other way around.” She muttered but I still caught it. I was slightly confused but I decided to let it go.

“Do you need any help?” I asked politely being the perfect host.

“I’m good.” She replied quickly before starting to unpack.

I walked back to my room and sat on the bed.

I hope she warms up to me quickly or this could be a very tedious marriage.

The next few days went quickly without event. Naomi was grumpy about being stuck at home; she started work after our engagement was announced, so she wasn’t a great roommate. I made it a habit to work long hours and then work on my art pieces so that I wouldn’t have to make too much contact with her. Maame was an amazing architect and I’m not surprised that she was made head. Naomi was not wrong with her assumption of people hating her. It was a given. Maame didn’t seem to care about it though.

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