Well... This Is Awkward (18)

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“I know your secret.” Isabella whispered with that evil grin on her face that made my fingers itch with the urge to punch her face.

“I’m really not in the mood for this.” I replied and started back on my work.

We were in my office and I still hadn’t got my morning coffee so you could say that I was a little irritable.

“Don’t you want to know about it?” She taunted.

“Not really to be honest.” I told her without looking up at her.

“Well I guess you don’t need to know. I’ll just tell everyone else that your marriage is a fake.” She said.

“What did you say?” I demanded.

“You thought that I wouldn’t find out. All this time you’ve been acting like a jealous wife when in actual fact, you don’t actually love Luca.” Isabella told me in an icy tone.

“Are you trying to say that you do?” I enquired.

“Of course I do.” She snapped.

“Well then you should be able to take him from me.” I told her.

 “Excuse me?” She said.

“You heard me. If you love him then take him back from me but don’t fucking come to me in the morning and chat shit to me.” I repeated angrily as I stood in front of her.

“Be careful. If you touch me, I will tell everyone about your other secret.” She warned.

“I have more? Do tell.” I quipped drily.

“I know about your friend Carlo.” She told me grinning.

“Well done!” I mocked clapping loudly for her.

“Wouldn’t it be sad if his photographs weren’t bought by anyone?” She enquired and I flinched.

“Is that a threat? I suggest you stop unless you want to find yourself unemployed.” I told her smiling.

“You wouldn’t.” She stated and I chuckled.

“Don’t try me. Now get out of my office.” I replied.

“You’ll regret this.” She hissed before she scarpered off.

I sighed because although I seemed like her threat didn’t faze me; I was actually pretty worried about Carlo. If his career went down the drain, it would be my fault. Gia popped her head round the door.

“I’ve got your coffee.” She told me.

“You’re a total lifesaver.” I thanked her before taking a sip and she went back to her desk. 

“What the hell am I gonna do?” I thought aloud.

I really needed to distract myself. I wasn’t going to tell anyone about what happened not even Maame. She would most likely go crazy and beat the shit out of Isabella for thinking of threatening me. I wasn’t really bothered to be honest; she was clearly desperate. All I needed was a distraction and I knew exactly where to go.

“So you finally realised that I’m better for you than my idiot cousin then cara?” Nino remarked when I came into his office.

“Keep dreaming honey.” I scoffed.

“So what brings you to my office?” He asked.

“I needed a distraction.” I admitted.

“Isabella being Luca’s personal assistant is getting under your skin huh?” He guessed.

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