Well... This Is Awkward (5)

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AN: This is just the next day in Naomi's P.O.V! 


I woke up in Maame’s guest bedroom and I instantly became annoyed. It wasn’t that I hated Maame or her house but the fact that I was hiding from my parents like a frightened rabbit. It was six o’clock in the morning. A perfect time to go and visit the ‘rents. I dressed in some of Maame’s spare clothes and picked up my oyster card. I jumped on the bus to my parent’s house.

I opened the door with my key and walked upstairs to my room. I pulled out my suitcase and started to pack my stuff. I made it down the stairs without any encounter but I needed to find my car keys. I was not going to leave my car here where they can use it. I found it on the kitchen counter but as I turned to leave, I saw my mum blocking the doorway.

“Hi mum!” I greeted cheerily.

“I’m so glad you’ve gotten over your silly little tantrum honey. It’s great to have you back home.” She replied smiling.

“First, don’t call me honey again; you lost that right when you forced me into marriage. Second, I’m not staying; I just came to collect my stuff.” I replied with a smile and then pushed past her.

“Why won’t you come home?” She asked teary eyed.

I walked up to her and hugged her briefly.

“I’m sorry mum for making you cry but I can’t stay with you.” I whispered before turning to pick up my suitcase.

“I guess you would be moving out next week anyway.” She said softly.

“What do you mean?” I asked her turning back to face her.

“Next week, you’ll be moving in with Luca.” She told me.

“I’m not moving in with him.” I replied vehemently.

“You have no choice.” She said softly.

“You pull stunts like this and you wonder why I don’t want to live with you?” I asked shaking my head.

“Please don’t hate me.” She pleaded.

“I don’t hate you mum, or dad, but I’m so annoyed right now. Don’t talk to me until you have to, okay?” I told her softly before walking out of the house and jumping into my car.

I hadn’t been in my car for such a long time and I was starting to have withdrawal symptoms. Okay, it had only been a day or so but the car is amazing. It has helped me to get away from annoying situations and has given me freedom. I drove back to Maame’s place and crept inside so I wouldn’t wake her up. She was the type of person who liked to sleep until noon if she could and would get so pissed off if you woke her up. One time I did it because she was going to miss a lecture but I regretted it when she started to imitate moves from Assassin’s Creed.

I walked up to my new room and unpacked my clothes. I glanced out of the window and decided to go for a run. I change into shorts, my running shoes and then put a hoodie over the top I was wearing. I ran round the area and into the local park. As I got halfway around the park, it started to rain. Typical English weather. I didn’t stop though; I ran to the pounding beat of the raindrops and my feet hitting the floor. When I got back to Maame’s place, I jumped straight into the shower and then got changed yet again.

I was utterly bored but it was only ten in the morning. Maame wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon, Kevin would be at work and my other friends would be at work as well.

“This sucks.” I complained to myself.

I lay down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. There was no way I could fall asleep, I start work in two weeks and I’ve already gone for a run. There’s only one option left to appease my boredom.

“Just get out of the house and work it out from there.” I said to myself as I got up. So I did just that.

 I drove down the road thinking that I might go to the cinema by myself if I really feel like there’s nothing else to do. It wouldn’t be enjoyable though; the films in the cinema are just shit. Before I do anything like that; I might as well get breakfast. I turned down another road and parked near a Starbucks. I went up to the counter and ordered myself a cappuccino and blueberry muffin to go. Blueberry muffins; the best way to start a new day.

I really don’t like going to Starbucks. The things that they put on display end up seducing you and you’re just fighting a losing battle. When the person had got my coffee and muffin, I already had decided to order a cookie and a chocolate brownie. I sat down to enjoy my food which wasted out some time but decided that I would take the rest of the coffee to go which was what it was supposed to be. I still had no idea where to go. I didn’t really want to go to the cinema but that was my last resort. My phone started vibrating and Maame’s name flashed up on the screen.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“I’m bored.” She complained.

“What do you want me to do about it?” I enquired chuckling. “Come back home now. Where are you anyway?” She asked.

“Starbucks.” I replied.

“You went to that place without me? You little bitch.” She gasped.

“I’m sorry but I was so bored this morning so I needed to come out and I hadn’t eaten breakfast yet. This is what happens when you sleep for so long!” I told her.

“Whatever, just hurry back here. Actually, since you’re out, go to blockbusters and get some DVDs and Haagen-Dasz.” She ordered.

“Why am I always getting bossed around by you?” I grumbled.

“You’re my bitch; get over it. See ya later Nay!” She exclaimed laughing before hanging up.

I shook my head and smiled before getting up from my seat.

I was on my way out when some idiot pushed past me and almost made me drop my coffee. I turned to give some verbal abuse to this fool and make the person regret the very day that they were born and I saw that it was the one and only idiot that I was supposed to be marrying.

“What’s wrong with you?” I demanded to which he raised his eyebrows.

“Starting trouble this early in the morning cucciola mia?” He asked in a teasing manner but he didn’t seem to be in the mood.

“Honey I can start something at any time of the day.” I replied smiling.

He just stayed silent as if wishing that he could leave and I sighed. I needed to talk to him but I was hoping it wouldn’t be so awkward like this. Wasn’t it just yesterday that he was happily teasing me?

I have to get this done and over with now so I have the rest of the day for Maame, myself and Haagen-Dasz. Maybe I should rent the ugly truth; that movie was jokes. Oh and maybe... wait! Focus on the matter at hand Naomi.

“Luca we need to talk.” I told him seriously.


That is number two! One more to go - please vomment! 

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