Well... This Is Awkward (25)

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Almost a month has passed since I left Luca and England. I know what you’re thinking. It must be weird that I’m supposed to be leaving Luca and getting over him and I’m staying with his grandma but she was the only person that I could think to go to. She’d been so supportive and hasn’t called Luca over here but she always urges me to call him. I will end up having to talk to him but not yet.

I drove down to Carlo’s house in a hurry. He’d called me down saying that there was something urgent that he wanted to show me. I knocked on the door and his wife opened the door.

“Buon giorno!” She greeted happily before hugging me. I returned the sentiments and walked inside with her. She led me to Carlo’s study and then went back downstairs.

“Hey there Naomi. How are you?” He asked me.

“I’m good thanks and you?” I replied.

“I’m well.” He told me smiling.

“What did you want to show me?” I enquired.

“Your husband’s collection. You said you wouldn’t be able to make it to the exhibition didn’t you?” He told me as he started to bring the pictures up.

“How can you even see them? The unveiling is tomorrow.” I asked confused.

“Francis was excited to show it to me even though I said that I was coming down to the exhibition.” He replied shaking his head.

“Here is the masterpiece.” He said and I was about to tell him to change the picture quickly when I saw what was on the screen. It was a collage of me and Luca over the years.

“Your husband must love you a lot huh?” Carlo commented smiling. My mouth felt so dry.

“Did Francis say anything Luca changing the masterpiece?” I enquired.

“No he just said that he could finally show me what he’d been so excited about for almost a month.” He replied frowning.

Had I misunderstood? Understanding dawned on me. Isabella’s birthday present!

“I’ve made a big mistake.” I whispered out loud.

“Are you okay cara?” He asked.

“Can you do me a favour please?” I asked him.

“Of course.” He replied easily. When I explained what was going on and what I wanted him to do, he was more than happy to help.

The next day when Carlo was leaving for England, I went with his wife Monica to see him off.

“I really appreciate you doing this.” I said before hugging him.

“It’s no problem.” He assured me before turning to his wife. I stepped back and gave the couple some privacy but I could still hear the faint ‘ti amo’ from both of them.

Little did I know that people would be watching us.

“Do you want some company?” I asked Monica as I drove her to her house.

“Oh I’m sorry I have to go to work now but we can spend the day together tomorrow if you want.” She apologised.

“I look forward to it.” I replied before driving back to nonna’s house.

“Have you spoken to him yet?” She enquired.

“No I haven’t.” I replied.

“You need to tell him.” She told me.

“I know.” I sighed. “I’m going to get some work down. I’ll come down for lunch.” I told her and she waved me away. I got out my laptop and opened up my emails. I had an urgent email from Maame and I got a feeling of déjà vu.  There was a link to a site and I reluctantly clicked on it.

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