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Jay and Hailey were in a car accident. Jay was fine, he got off with cuts, and bruises. Hailey however, not so lucky, she died at Med, and Jay was broken.

"Jay been in?" Kim asked.

"Not yet, starting to get worried about him." Adam explained.

"Man! I actually can't get my head around, the fact that Hailey is gone, like never coming back!" Kevin explained.

The unit agreed, and noticed Hailey's desk.

Hailey's desk was empty, it only had a pen, and a notebook, it was like she was never really here.

"Hey, you okay?" Adam asked.

Jay walked upstairs, and saw Hailey's desk, which broke him.

"Oh, Jay!" Kim whispered.

Kim held Jay in her arms, feeling how warm he is.

"Jay? Your burning up, did you check your wounds?" Kim asked.

Jay cried, and shook his head.

"Let me check." Kim whispered.

Kim lifted Jay's top up, and saw his wounds.

The wounds had old bandages on them, which were put on, when Jay came out of hospital, and they were filled with blood.

"Bud, we need to get you to Med, you could be picking up, all sorts of infections!" Kim explained.

Jay nodded, and stood up.

"Let's go, bud." Kim smiled.

Kim looped an arm over Jay's shoulder, and walked downstairs.

After Awhile. Will was checking Jay over, and was concerned.

"Baby bro, I know you lost your wife, and, I'm so sorry, but you need to change your bandages." Will explained.

Jay mumbled, and looked down.

"Okay, you should be good now, you have no obvious infections, so I can release you." Will responded.

"He'll come stay with me and Adam, If that's okay, with you, Jay?" Kim questioned.

Jay nodded, and smiled.

"Great! Kim, make sure Jay redresses his wounds every four hours, and takes his antibiotics." Will replied.

Kim nodded, and took Jay's bag.

"Will do!" Kim smiled.

Will nodded, and said his goodbyes.

"You'll be okay, Jay, we got you." Kim spoke softly.

Jay leant his head on Kim's shoulder, and walked out.

After a few hours. Kim took Jay back to hers, and Adam's.

"Hey! How's our brother?" Kevin asked.

Kim watched Jay go straight upstairs, and shut the door.

"Well, Jay's still hurting, Will redressed his wounds, and gave him the all clear, we just have to watch for an infections, and redress his wounds every four hours, and make sure Jay takes his meds." Kim explained.

The unit all nodded, they felt bad for their best friend. 

"We need to call Erin, guys." Adam sighed.

"Yeah, Erin will know what to do." Kim agreed.

Hank pulled out his phone, and dialled Erin.

"Let's call Erin..." Hank sighed.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this first chapter!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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