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Erin woke up, and reached out for her husband, but, he wasn't there.

"Huh?" Erin whispered.

The room was quiet, and Jay's side, was cold, and empty.

"Jay?" Erin called out.

The room was still quiet, and it made Erin, get worried.

"Where are you?" Erin muttered.

Erin got out of bed, and into her jeans, and shirt.

As Erin walked downstairs, she forgot, Kim was taking the kids to school, which reassured her.

Erin got her boots on, and left the apartment.

Soon. Erin arrived at the bullpen, and saw Jay, with Hank.

"What's going on?" Erin asked.

"Jay's apparently, working with Voight." Kim explained.

Erin felt betrayed, she thought, her husband, would be her partner, for the long haul, but, guess not.

"Really? I thought, Jay was my partner?" Erin questioned.

The unit nodded, and Hank, with Jay, walked out of his office.

"We got a case, let's move!" Hank ordered.

The unit nodded, and stood up.

"Hey, where were you this morning? I missed you." Erin whispered.

Jay grabbed his jacket, and spoke.

"I was on a run, I decided to clock in early, I'm fine, Erin." Jay reassured.

Erin knew Jay was lying, but, went along with it.

After 25 Minutes. The unit all inspected the body, and drove back to the district.

"So, we made an ID, Jane Parker, 30s, she's our D.O.A, died from a gunshot wound, to her chest." Erin explained.

Antonio stood up, and took over.

"We don't have any known family members, relating to Jane, we're trying to locate any known, relatives." Antonio explained.

Hank nodded, and walked into his office.

"Hey, what's going on, with you?" Erin asked.

Jay looked over, and spoke.

"What are you on about, babe?" Jay raised an eyebrow.

Erin looked over, and spoke.

"Locker room." Erin whispered.

Jay got up, and walked with Erin.

As the two got to the locker room. Erin locked the door.

Erin began to explain, what Jay was doing.

"Okay, you pushing away from me, not engaging with our kids, hanging out with Hank?" Erin listed.

Jay closed his eyes, and spoke.

"Okay, Okay, I admit, that sometimes, I can't play with our kids, sometimes, I need a beer, to drown out the day, is that a problem, with you?" Jay slurred.

Erin noticed Jay slurring, she could smell the beer.

"You didn't arrive home, yesterday?" Erin whispered.

Jay scoffed, and spoke.

"Keeping tabs on me?" Jay defended.

Erin sighed, she had enough.

"Go get yourself cleaned up, If your still acting, like a jackass, don't bother coming home." Erin shook her head.

"Maybe, I won't!" Jay exclaimed.

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