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Erin was near her due date, and she was planning a waterbirth.

"Adam, I need all the case files, from when I was kidnapped." Erin rubbed her stomach.

"Lindsay, I love you, but has Jay agreed to this, I don't wanna get my ass kicked." Adam warned.

Before Erin could answer. Jay walked in.

"Who are you talking to?" Jay raised an eyebrow.

The room started filling with an uncomfortable silence.

"Ma'am, would you like a coffee, with that order?" Adam lied.

"Sup, Man!" Jay smirked.

"Sup, bro." Adam called.

Jay chuckled, and left the room.

"A bit of advice, disguise your voice, next time." Erin advised.

"Hey! I'm not the one, who's asking for case files." Adam defended.

"Adam, remember the threat I told you? "Don't mock me, when I got a gun in the safe?" Erin replied.

Adam stayed quiet, and this made Erin chuckle.

After a few hours. Erin and Jay were filling up the pool.

"Faster, babe, faster!" Erin exclaimed.

"You wanna fill the pool?" Jay asked.

"If you know, what's good for you, you'd keep quiet." Erin threatened.

"Geez! Baby C's taking over your brain, making you an even scarier badass." Jay shuddered.

Erin smirked, and rubbed her bump.

"Okay, pool's all done." Jay smiled.

"Finally, now, help your wife up." Erin ordered.

Jay laughed, and helped Erin, stand up.

"Alright, you wanna try some exercises, or you wanna go straight into the pool?" Jay wondered.

"I'm not training for a marathon, Jay." Erin responded.

Jay held his hands up, and rubbed his girl's back.

"God, God, I have to get in the pool." Erin groaned.

Jay nodded, and helped Erin into the birth pool.

"Alright, better?" Jay asked.

Erin nodded quickly, and tried breathing.

"Okay, do you want me to sing?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, I want you to sing a lullaby." Erin sarcastically commented.

"Weird suggestion, but okay." Jay nodded.

"I'm Joking, Jay!" Erin laughed.

Jay nodded, and giggled.

Soon enough. Erin started having labour pains.

"O-Ow." Erin winced.

"Babe, you okay?" Jay asked.

Erin nodded, and felt another pain.

"Change that to no, I-I think, I think, I'm having contractions." Erin responded.

Jay dropped everything, and rushed over.

"Contractions? Wait, seriously, now?" Jay asked.

Erin nodded, and groaned loudly.

"Woah! Okay, Okay, we're having a baby!" Jay exclaimed.

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