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Jay was asleep, on Erin's chest, after waking up from a nightmare.

Erin was awake most of the night, when Jay pulled a gun, after having a nightmare, she tried giving Jay some warm milk, but that upset his stomach, she tried massaging Jay's shoulders, when that worked, Jay fell asleep on her chest.

"Hi Kiddo." Hank smiled.

Erin looked up, and saw Hank.

"Hey, how was last night?" Hank wondered.

Erin looked at Jay, who was snoring softly.

"Well, Jay had a nightmare, pulled his gun, when he thought someone was coming to take him, I managed to settle him down." Erin explained.

Hank sighed, and sat on the bed.

"Damn! I mean, I don't blame Jay, he's been through a traumatic ordeal, It'll take awhile, for Jay to be his normal self again." Hank explained.

Erin nodded, and Jay woke up.

Jay saw Hank and Erin, and sighed.

"Look who's awake." Hank smiled.

Erin looked down, and saw Jay awake.

"Morning, bubbas, how'd you sleep?" Erin wondered.

Jay stretched, then winced.

"Yeah, maybe don't stretch yet, kiddo." Hank suggested.

Jay sighed, and closed his eyes.

"You can go, if you want." Jay whispered.

Erin looked at Hank, who had the same expression.

"Baby, you've just come out of hospital." Erin tried explaining.

"I know, but, I'll be okay, I'll go back to sleep, after." Jay yawned.

"Only if your sure, kid." Hank asked.

Jay nodded, he was fine.

"Alright, call me, if you need anything, I mean it, Jay." Erin made a point.

"Babe, don't worry, I'll be fine!" Jay reassured.

Hank and Erin nodded, and walked out of the bedroom.

Once Erin and Hank left. Jay instantly broke into tears.

Jay managed to fall asleep, after crying for a bit.

Back at the district. Erin was getting worried.

"Erin, If you keep tapping the mug, you'll break your nails." Kim explained.

Erin looked up, and nodded.

"Just worried." Erin smiled softly.

"'Bout, Jay?" Kim wondered.

Erin nodded, and sipped her coffee.

"Yeah, Jay pulled a gun, It's not his fault, he also had a nightmare." Erin answered.

"Damn! Poor guy." Kim sighed.

The unit agreed, and carried on talking.

Back at home. Jay was feeling the urge to puke.

"Daddy?" Lily asked.

Jay clenched his stomach, and ran to the bathroom.

"DADDY!" Lily yelled.

Puking was heard from Jay, and It made Lily worry.

"Mama! Mama! Got to call mama!" Lily nodded.

Lily grabbed Jay's phone, and dialled Erin.

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