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Jay and Erin, were at the unit, until, Lt. Benson, and her team, walked upstairs.

"Mom?" Erin asked.

Olivia was the adoptive mom, of Erin and Justin, when their real mom, Bunny, abandoned them, so Hank, and Olivia took them in.

"Hi Sweetie, where's your dad?" Olivia asked.

Erin smiled, and told Olivia, where Hank was.

"Rollins!" Adam exclaimed.

The unit all done small laughs, and looked at their screen.

"Adam? Hey?" Amanda smiled.

Adam hugged Amanda, and smiled.

"Umm? Mandy, who's this?" Finn asked.

Amanda smiled nervously, and spoke.

"Adam, was my boyfriend, in early high-school." Amanda explained.

"And, we're only finding about this, now?" Nick spoke up.

Amanda laughed softly, and spoke to her friends.

"Long time, no see, Finn." Erin smiled.

"What's good, sis." Finn smiled.

Finn and Erin shared a small hug, and broke away.

"So, who's this handsome, person?" Sonny asked.

Amanda swatted her husband, and laughed.

"Nice to see you to, Sonny." Erin laughed.

Erin walked up to Jay, and smiled.

"This is, Jay, my husband." Erin introduced.

Sonny, Amanda, Finn, and Nick, all came, and hugged Jay.

"Well, good choice, sis." Amanda smiled.

SVU Was Erin's old family, until she moved to Chicago, with Hank, where she met, her real family, the 21st District.

"Erin, no offense, but, why is your desk sergeant, so moody?" Nick wondered.

Everyone laughed, and Kim spoke.

"Don't worry! I worked with her for six years, I know, how you feel." Kim laughed.

The room went silent, when, they saw Trudy Platt.

"Hmm, you wanna be bumped, back down to Patrol, Burgess?" Trudy threatened.

Kim stayed silent, which made the whole room, laugh.

After Awhile. They were all eating their lunch, and Erin spoke.

"So, what are New York, doing in Chicago?" Erin wondered.

Olivia put her pizza down, and spoke.

"Well, we had intel, that a serial rapist, was on the move to, Chicago." Olivia explained.

The unit nodded, and drank their waters.

"We'll do everything we can, to nail the son of a bitch, Liv." Hank reassured.

Olivia smiled, and finished her pizza.

Soon. Will, walked into the bullpen, looking for Jay.

"Jay?!" Will called.

Jay noticed his brother, and got up.

"Hey, what's up, Man?" Jay asked.

Will guided Jay towards the breakroom, and shut the door.

"Okay?" Jay laughed softly.

Will handed his phone, to Jay.

It was picture, of their dad, getting out of prison.

"I thought, dad, was inside for another few months?" Jay asked.

Will took his phone back, and spoke.

"Got let out on good behaviour, apparently, a good role model, to other inmates." Will explained.

Jay slammed his cup down, and sighed.

"Damn! Asshole." Jay whispered.

Will rubbed Jay's shoulder, and spoke.

"Listen, dad, can either stay with me, or with y-." Will stopped.

"Dad's staying with you, he's going nowhere, near my kids!" Jay ordered.

Will held his hands up, and nodded.

"Just thought, you should know." Will responded.

Jay nodded, and spoke.

"Sorry, Man, I had a rocky rescue, yesterday." Jay sighed.

Will shook his head, and squeezed Jay's shoulder, and spoke.

"Hey, you never need to apologise, to your big brother, okay?" Will asked.

"Yeah, Man." Jay nodded.

Will and Jay shared a hug, and said their goodbyes.

Will and Jay walked back into the bullpen.

"Ooh, Pizza!" Will awed.

Will stole Jay's slice, and walked away.

"HEY!" Jay yelled.

Will bit into the pizza, and spoke.

"Good thing, about being your brother, we share food!" Will explained.

Jay threatened to chase Will, and laughed, when Will nearly tripped.

"Bye Guys!" Will said his goodbye.

The unit all said their goodbye, and finished their lunch.

After Awhile. The unit, and New York P.D, we're chasing their suspect.

"Offender in custody." Jay radioed.

Olivia helped Jay cuff the suspect, and walked him to the car.

"Good work!" Olivia smiled.

Jay thanked Olivia, and walked Jake, to the patrol car.

After a few hours. Olivia and her unit, left, and the Voight's unit, went home.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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