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Kim was still locked in the warehouse, still handcuffed, but this time she was shot.

Kim had gunshot wounds in her side, and stomach, and they were bleeding a lot.

"G-God." Kim groaned.

Kim grabbed the sock, and belt, which she stole off Logan's dead body, and tied them around her wounds.

"Ahh." Kim winced.

Kim got on her belly, and crawled towards the door, which was half open.

As Kim got out, she clawed at the ground, and dragged herself towards the Buick.

After a few minutes. Kim made it to the car, and she pulled herself in.

Kim flicked the headlight switch, and fell unconscious.

The only thing what was in sight, was the lights flickering on the car.

Back at the district. The whole unit were at breaking point, they felt lonely, without their best friend.

"W-We can't just keep doing knock and talks." Erin sighed.

"That's like our only, unused option." Adam replied.

Hank sighed, and spoke to the unit.

"Okay! Our friend is missing, who is one of us, we work together, to find her." Hank ordered.

The unit all agreed, and Hank spoke again.

"Let's go!" Hank replied.

The unit all got up, and left the bullpen.

Kim was still in the car, slowly dying.

"Don't die, don't give up." Kim whispered.

Soon. The unit were canvassing the area.

"Serge, I got something." Jay called.

Voight and the unit walked over.

"Is this Kim's hairband?" Jay asked.

Adam came closer, and nodded.

"Yeah, when Kim dropped Makayla off at school, Kim put it on her wrist." Adam clarified.

"So, Kim should be around here, somewhere, let's move!" Hank ordered.

They all went separate ways, while Jay went to look for Kim, alone.

As Jay walked, he saw a flickering car light, with the door wide open.

"This is 50-21 George, roll me an ambo, to 1778 South Cicero." Jay ordered.

Dispatch replied, and Jay kept running, towards the garage.

"Kim!" Jay called.

Jay walked to the driver's side, and saw Kim, lying unconscious.

"God!" Jay whispered.

Jay picked Kim up, and placed her in his arms.

"I got you, sis, stay with me." Jay breathed.

"J-Jay." Kim mumbled.

"Yeah, I got you, stay with me." Jay begged.

Jay placed Kim in the passenger seat, and got in the driver's seat.

"Voight, I found Kim, we're on our way to Med." Jay explained.

"Copy that! On our way!" Voight replied.

As Jay was driving. Kim started groaning.

"I know, I know, we're nearly here." Jay reassured.

Jay soon pulled up at Med, and picked Kim up in his arms.

"HELP! I NEED HELP!" Jay shouted.

Nat came over, and grabbed a stretcher.

"Lie her down." Natalie whispered.

Jay lied Kim down on the bed, and spoke.

"S-Save my sister, Nat." Jay begged.

Natalie nodded, and wheeled Kim towards the operating room.

Jay stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Damn!" Jay whispered.

After Awhile. The unit came, and Erin saw Jay.

Jay was sleeping, with his jacket over himself, and his arm supporting his head.

"Damn, baby." Erin whispered.

Erin came over, and held Jay in her arms.

"It's okay, my love, It's okay." Erin soothed.

Jay felt Erin's warmth, and snuggled back in.

"L-Lily, Marcus?" Jay mumbled.

"Their fine, their with Trudy." Erin reassured.

Jay nodded, and Rhodes came out with news.

"So, we managed to get the two bullets out of Kim, she is in the intensive care unit, intubated, as she can't breathe on her own, we'll see how she is tonight, she has a long road ahead of her." Rhodes smiled.

The unit all wore relieved faces, and thanked Connor.

"Let's go home, babe." Erin suggested.

Jay nodded, and walked out, with his wife.

"Night guys!" Erin smiled.

Erin and Jay soon got home, and they went straight to bed.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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