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Erin and Jay were at home, waiting on their couch, eagerly, for the DCFS worker.

"She's late..." Jay whispered.

Erin rubbed Jay's leg, in a soothing manner.

"Hey, there could be traffic?" Erin suggested.

Jay nodded, he was still nervous.

As soon as Jay stop talking. The doorbell rang.

"Here she is..." Erin whispered.

Jay stood up, and walked towards the door.

Erin set the table up, and made sure the apartment was nice, and clean.

"And, this is my wife, Erin Lindsay." Jay introduced.

Jessie smiled, and wrote on her notepad.

"So, where's Lily Grace's room?" Jessie wondered.

"Up here!" Erin took lead.

Jessie followed Erin and Jay upstairs.

As the trio got upstairs. Erin opened the door.

The bedroom was a baby pink, with the words Lily in pink letters, with a cot next to the bed, and a teddy, along with a musical box.

"Wow! I can see, how much effort you've put in, that's what we like to see in foster families." Jessie responded.

Erin and Jay smiled, and hugged each other.

"If you follow me, I'll show you everything else?" Jay offered.

Jessie nodded, and followed Jay, and Erin.

After a few hours. Jessie was finally finished.

"So, I'm happy with what I've seen, it looks like your happy to look after Lily Grace, you have all things she needs, all things are met, all cupboards are babyproof, I'll consult with my team, and we'll feedback to you whether or not, you can adopt Lily Grace." Jessie explained.

Erin and Jay nodded, and smiled.

"Great! We'll keep in touch, any questions, don't hesitate to call me." Jessie nodded.

Erin and Jay agreed, and walked Jessie out.

"Wish you all the best." Jessie smiled.

"Thank you so much." Erin smiled.

Jesse nodded, and left.

"Bye!" Jay smiled.

Once Jessie left. Jay shut the door.

"We could be fostering Lily!" Erin exclaimed.

Jay came over, and picked Lily up.

"Hey, Lil-Bear, how do you feel, about living here?" Jay asked.

Lily smiled, and nodded.

"Yay!" Erin clapped her hands.

Lily gurgled, and giggled.

Soon. Erin, Jay, and Lily, were all in bed.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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