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Erin arrived at the bullpen, without Jay, and she felt lonely.

"Damn, the bullpen, feels quiet without Jay." Kim spoke up.

Erin nodded, and sat at her desk.

"We got a case!" Hank spoke.

The unit nodded, and rushed downstairs.

Soon. The unit arrived at the scene.

"What we got?" Hank asked.

"Female. Late teen. Sexually assaulted, and murdered." Perry explained.

Erin walked over, and crouched down.

"She a graduate?" Erin asked.

Yep!" Perry nodded.

Hank nodded, and Erin stood up.

"Alright, we got a murdering rapist, in the wind, let's find him." Hank ordered.

The unit nodded, and went in their separate ways.

As Erin searched the woods, she saw something.

"The hell?" Erin whispered.

It was a piece of paper, with writing on it.

"Help me!" Erin read out.

Erin noticed a forensic, so she called for her.

"Forensic!" Erin yelled.

Back at home. Jay was downstairs, with Marcus.

"So, what you got in store today, little man?" Jay smiled.

Marcus handed Jay one of his cars.

"Aww, thanks, bud." Jay awed.

Marcus giggled, and rolled his car across the rug.

"Okay, I'll play cars." Jay laughed.

Jay sat on the ground, and raced his car.

In the bullpen. The unit were all looking for leads.

"So, the DOA, was named Lucy Davies, she has no priors, but, does have a mom, who died in 2019, of a drug overdose." Erin started.

"But, there were no traces of drugs in Lucy's system." Adam spoke up.

"Exactly! The offender who ever did this, made untraceable drugs." Erin took over.

Hank nodded, and spoke.

"Good work! Adam, Lindsay, check it out." Hank suggested.

Erin and Adam nodded, and walked downstairs.

10 Minutes later. Adam and Erin were interviewing.

"Where were you on the night of December 18th?" Erin asked.

"At home, with my girl." Logan smiled.

Adam sat forward, and spoke.

"Hmm, your baby mama? What if we tell her, you killed a teenager, and raped her?" Adam asked.

Logan stayed silent, and spoke.

"Look, all I know is, the guy knew your victim." Logan explained.

Erin and Adam nodded, and got up.

The two left the house, and got into their car.

Back at the apartment. Jay was trying to settle Marcus to sleep.

"Okay, Okay, we can play cars, when you wake up, bud." Jay promised.

Marcus kept fussing, he fought his sleep.

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