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Side note: Lauren is still in hospital!

Jay was finally extubated, he was breathing on his own, and he was still feeling weak, but he was better than he was, when he was found in that car.

"Morning, baby." Erin whispered.

Jay nodded, and looked at his wrists.

"W-What happened?" Jay croaked.

Erin looked down, and spoke.

"You were kidnapped, baby, you were cuffed, which is why you have red marks, across your wrist." Erin explained.

Jay lied back, and closed his eyes.

"Did Lily, Marcus, see?" Jay rushed out.

Erin could see how panicked, and scared, Jay was.

"No, Trudy's got them, I'll conceal the red wrist marks, with my concealer, don't worry, okay, your gonna be okay." Erin reassured.

Jay nodded, and closed his eyes.'

"Rest for a bit, I'll come, and check on you soon, I love you." Erin smiled.

Jay croaked out an 'I love you, and 'okay', then fell back to sleep.

As Erin opened the door. Hank was outside.

"Jesus, you scared me!" Erin jumped.

"Sorry, kiddo, how's Jay?" Hank asked.

Erin looked back at Jay, who was asleep.

"He woke up, then saw the marks on his wrist, he was scared, in case, Lily and Marcus saw them." Erin explained.

Hank nodded, and spoke.

"Well, Jay's gonna be scared, he's gonna have nightmares, panic attacks, It's gonna be rough." Hank spoke.

Erin nodded, and hugged her dad.

"Thanks for being here, dad." Erin sniffled.

"No problem, kiddo, I love you." Hank whispered.

"Love you too, dad." Erin whispered.

Erin and Hank broke off the hug, and stepped back.

"I should get back to Jay." Erin excused herself.

Hank nodded, and looped in the team.

As Erin walked in. Jay was crying.

"Baby?" Erin whispered softly.

Jay wiped his tears away, and sniffled.

"Hey, Hey, come here." Erin rushed over.

Erin brought Jay's head to her lap, rocking him.

"It's gonna be okay, my love, I got you, no one's gonna hurt you." Erin soothed.

Jay broke into more sobs, as he shook.

"I know, It's hard, I know, let it out, baby." Erin supported.

Trudy came in with Lily and Marcus, and Erin noticed.

"Hey, Trudy, Jay's just broken down, maybe not a good time, to accept visitors, maybe later?" Erin suggested.

Trudy could see Jay's pale face, and how he closed his eyes.

"Sure!" Trudy smiled.

"But, I wanna see daddy!" Marcus whined.

"Later, buddy, daddy not well, he just needs mommy's comfort, he'll be okay." Trudy explained.

Marcus pouted, and Lily spoke.

"Do you think, daddy, will like the picture, I due?" Lily questioned.

"I'm sure, he'll love it, sweetie." Trudy smiled.

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