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Erin and Jay took Lily back to theirs, when they got the all clear from the hospital, and DCFS.

"Welcome to your new home. Lily." Erin smiled.

Lily stepped inside, while holding Jay's hand.

"Cool!" Lily smiled.

Erin closed the door, and joined Jay and Lily in the lounge.

"W-Where's my da-da?" Lily asked.

Erin looked at Jay, who looked at him back.

"He's working, baby." Jay cooed.

Lily pouted, and buried her face in Erin's chest.

"I'll get her some food." Jay whispered.

Erin nodded, and patted Lily's bottom.

"Your gonna be okay, Lil-Bear." Erin kissed Lily's head.

Lily made baby noises, and relaxed against Erin's chest.

After Awhile. Magda, from DCFS came.

"So, this is Lily-Grace-Halstead, correct?" Magda asked.

Jay nodded, and sat next to Erin.

"How old is she?" Magda wondered.

"She's three." Erin replied.

Magda nodded, and wrote it down.

"So, this is what we know, so far. Will Halstead, the father, has moved to New York, he has an apartment, he's working at Bellevue. The mother, we found her body at a drug house, she died from an overdose." Magda explained.

Jay couldn't believe it, and Erin held Lily tightly.

"H-How old was Lily when her mom left?" Erin wondered.

Magda checked her records, and spoke.

"Natalie left, when Lily was two." Magda confirmed.

Jay sighed, and stroked Lily's hair.

"Mr Halstead. On record, your Lily's uncle, if you want to apply for full foster guardianship, that is an option." Magda nodded.

Jay sat up, and nodded.

"Yeah, what do I have to sign? I'll sign anything!" Jay nodded.

Magda smiled, then sighed.

"Unfortunately, it's not a straight handover process, we need to make sure your house is stable, and you can support all the needs Lily may or may not have." Magda responded.

Jay nodded, and knew there was a system.

"I understand. Erin, My wife, we'll be here all the time to help, with Lily." Jay reassured.

Magda nodded, and smiled.

"I can you have a loving family, well enough to care for Lily, that's what we like to see in families." Magda smiled.

Erin and Jay nodded, and smiled.

"Alright, I'll have someone come and check the house, in the next running days, I wish you all the best." Magda smiled widely.

Erin and Jay smiled, and Jay spoke.

"Here, I'll see you out." Jay offered.

"Oh, thank you." Magda responded.

Jay walked Magda to the door, and said his goodbye.

As Jay came back. Lily started walking.

"Aww! My Lil-Bear is walking!!" Jay beamed.

Jay made rocket noises, and picked Lily up.

"Hehe!!" Lily squealed.

Jay giggled, and placed Lily down.

"Alright! Who wants pizza!" Erin asked.

"ME!" Jay and Lily spoke in unison.

Erin giggled, and ordered pizza.

Soon. The pizza arrived, and they all ate.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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