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Erin and Jay were still asleep, when Jay smelt burning, as he startled awake.

"Erin..." Jay whispered.

Erin groaned, and rolled over.

"Erin? C-Can you smell that?" Jay asked.

Erin opened her eyes, and smelt burning.

"Is that, smoke?" Erin wondered.

"I-I think it is." Jay nodded.

Erin and Jay got up, and walked towards the bedroom door.

The fire was sizzling outside, and slowly creeping up.

"JAY!" Erin yelled.

Jay quickly shut the door, and grabbed the robes.

"Wait here!" Jay ordered.

"WAIT! I'M NOT LEAVING YOU!!" Erin shook her head.

"Erin, I'm gonna be fine! Wait here, I'll get Lily." Jay responded.

Erin shakily nodded, and rubbed her stomach.

"Be safe!" Erin whispered.

Jay nodded, and smiled.

Jay placed the dressing robe over his head, and walked out.

"It's gonna be okay, baby, daddy's gonna help us." Erin soothed.

Erin sat on the bed, and coughed, as the smoke hit her.

As Jay stepped over the flames, he got to Lily's room.

"DADDY!!" Lily cried out.

Jay heard his baby girl's screams, and tried the handle.

"Ahh!" Jay winced.

Jay noticed the doorknob burning hot, so he tried opening the door.

Jay tried shoving the door open with his shoulder.

"Come on, Come on." Jay coughed.

With one last shove. The door banged open.

Lily was standing up in her cot, holding her doggy.

"Hey, daddy's here, sweetie." Jay whispered.

Jay came over, and spoke.

"Lily, I need you to hide your head in my chest, okay, and don't come up, until I say." Jay explained.

"O-Okay, daddy!" Lily nodded.

Jay grabbed Lily, and held her tightly.

Lily did what Jay said, and hid her head.

"It's gonna be okay." Jay whispered.

In the district. Trudy came upstairs.

"Guys!" Trudy spoke.

The unit all stopped laughing, and saw Trudy's face.

"What's up, Platt?" Antonio asked.

Platt took a minute, and spoke.

"It's Erin and Jay's apartment, It's on fire, neighbour called it in." Platt explained.

The unit all got up, and rushed downstairs.

"SOMEONE CALL CFD!" Hank ordered.

Kim grabbed her phone, and dialled 51.

Soon. The call reached Firehouse 51.

Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Housefire. 1807 Washington.

"Jay and Erin's address?" Casey asked.

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