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Warning: Sex references, Sex mentions

Erin and Jay were in the lounge, while Lily played in her playpen, with all her toys.

"So, I was thinking, wanna have a baby?" Erin asked.

Jay nearly choked on his coffee, at that question.

"S-Sorry?" Jay coughed.

"Well, think about it, we got Lily, what about a new addition to the family?" Erin questioned.

Jay smiled, and sat Erin on his lap.

"I think, let's go for it!" Jay whispered.

Erin giggled, and kissed Jay's lips.

"I love you, Jay." Erin smiled.

"I love you, Erin." Jay repeated.

Erin and Jay kissed each other's lips, and giggled.

"Well, I'll call Burgess, see if she can look after Lily, and we can, you know..." Jay hinted.

Erin smirked, and nodded.

"Lily? How do you feel about going out with Auntie Kim?" Erin wondered.

Lily's eyes lit up, and she squealed.

"Yay!" Lily babbled.

Erin smiled, and started playing cars with Lily.

An Hour later. Lily was with Kim, and Erin and Jay were in the bedroom.

"Fuck, Erin..." Jay moaned.

Erin smiled, and went deeper.

"I fucking love you!" Jay groaned.

Erin giggled, and kissed Jay's lips.

"My turn." Jay whispered seductively.

Erin nodded, and lied down.

"Ready?" Jay asked.

Erin nodded, and got ready.

As Jay reached his climax, this made Erin moan.

"GOD, JAY!" Erin shouted.

Jay and Erin were out of breath, and Jay fell on Erin.

"That was..." Erin started.

"Amazing..." Erin whispered.

Erin and Jay giggled, and kissed each other.

"I think this calls for a shower!" Erin spoke.

Jay nodded, and lifted Erin up.

"To the bathroom!" Jay pointed.

Erin howled with laughter, and the door shut.

It was soon night time. Kim dropped Lily off, and Lily fell asleep in her cot.

Erin and Jay snuggled into bed, and fell asleep, in each other's arms.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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